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which of the following statements is true about cooperatives?

which of the following statements is true about cooperatives?

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which of the following statements is true about cooperatives?

Share Capital in the Electric Cooperatives. (44) Parent Cooperative - shall refer to a cooperative, which initiates the organizational of another cooperative called a subsidiary cooperative and provides technical, managerial, and financial assistance thereto. "ART. The Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Committee shall be composed of CDA, as the lead agency, NHA, HLURB, HDMF, SSS, GSIS, LBP, DBP, concerned cooperative sector and other appropriate government agencies and financial institutions. The following are the procedures to the Merger or Consolidation of cooperatives: 1. Objectives and Goals of a Cooperative. Section 7. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Section 6. The area of operations and the postal address of the principal office of the guardian cooperative; 6. "ART. "(4) Subsidies, donations, legacies, grants, aids and such other assistance from any local or foreign institution whether public or private: Provided, That capital coming from such subsides, donations, legacies, grants, aids and other assistance shall not be divided into individual share capital holdings at any time but shall instead form part of the donated capital or fund of the cooperative. Section 2. 11. 72 (4) of the code, quoted as follows: "Art. 68. A Laboratory Cooperative primarily composed of students from a particular school shall be affiliated with the school's cooperative, if any. Electric Cooperative Deemed Registered under Art. "ART. Loans. Records Management (Financial Transaction), 6. In any case, the merger or consolidation shall be effective upon the issuance of the Certificate of Merger or Consolidation by the Authority. However, in cases where the dispute/s fall within the jurisdiction of the NHA or HLURB, the same shall be referred to the said agency and it shall be resolved in accordance with the NHA or HLURB regulations. (A) Agricultural Management (B) Agricultural Banking (C) Agricultural Diversification (D) Agricultural Marketing Answer Question 7. 3. The Votes of the sector, chapter, or district Representatives or Delegates shall be considered the votes of all the members of the sector, chapter, or district they represent. Vacancy in the sector, chapter, or district Representative or Delegate; j. 65. The following shall be complied with upon filing of application: (3) Sworn statement of the treasurer elected by the subscribers showing that at least twenty-five per centum (25%) of the authorized share capital be less than Fifteen Thousand Pesos (P15,000.00); (4) Surely Bond of Accountable Officers handling funds properties and securities; (5) Certificate of Pre-Membership Education Seminar (PMES); (8) Land Ownership (any of the following: Certificate of Title Declaration. Conversion process faster than an individual working alone Economics Rural Development MCQs Multiple Choice with! Section 9. The electric cooperative shall issue and distribute share certificates under the name of their members, taking into consideration their previous equity contributions, the amortization component through the payments made, capital build-up and other capital contributions. "(2) Upon the execution of such instrument and as may be required by the cooperative contained in a written request, the employer shall make the deduction in accordance with the agreement and deduction in accordance with the agreement and remit forthwith the amount so deducted within ten (10) days after the end of the payroll month to the cooperative. Undertaking to Change Name in the event that another cooperative has acquired prior right to the use of the proposed name; 8. 2021 All rights reserved. Federations and Unions shall submit to the Authority the following additional reports: 1. "ART. Different from the conventional cooperative OD that only estimates orbit states, the attitude of the observer spacecraft is considered by incorporating the attitude into the estimated vector. Capital Sources. Associate Member - refers to a natural person other than a regular member of the household. Dissolution by Order of the Authority. However, shall be entitled to the preferential rights and privileges as indicated in the Cooperative By-laws and under the Code. Members of the Joint Congressional Oversight Committee on Cooperatives. Section 3. Rewrite the sentence, changing one of the elements into a gerund phrase. Section 2. FINANCIAL SERVICE COOPERATIVES. 61. 33. Responsibility of the Guardian Cooperative. Composition of the General Assembly. "ART. In case the Board of Directors and the General/Representative Assembly fail to select the Board of Liquidators/Trustees, the Authority shall appoint the same. General Requirements. Section 16. Preferred Shares. Reportorial Requirements. Said application for amendments shall be filed with the concerned CDA Extension Office or the CDA Central Office, at the option of the Cooperative, in four (4) copies for registration. The Emancipation Proclamation freed all slaves (56) Secondary Cooperative - shall refer to a cooperative the members of which are primaries. Certified copy of Articles of Cooperation and By-Laws; 3. "(2) Any person who willfully attempts in any manner to evade or defeat tax in violation of the provisions of Articles 60 and 61 of this Code shall in addition thereof, be punished by a fine of not less than Thirty thousand pesos (P30,000.00) but not more than One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) and suffer imprisonment of not less than two (2) years but not more than four (4) years: Provided, That the conviction or acquittal obtained under this Article shall not be a bar to the filing of a civil suit for the collection of taxes; "(3) Direct or indirect violation or circumvention of the provisions of Articles 60 and 61 of this Code committee by any public official or employee of any bureau, office or agency of the government that deprives, diminishes or in any manner hinders or restricts any duly registered cooperative from the full enjoyment of the exemption from the payment of the taxes, fees and charges enumerated therein, shall upon conviction, suffer a penalty of not less that one (1) year but not more than five (5) years imprisonment or a fine in the amount of not less than Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) or both at the discretion of the court and shall further be disqualified to hold any other office; "(4) Direct or indirect interference or intervention by any public official or employee into the internal affairs of a cooperative of which he is not a member, such as, but not limited to, the following: "(a) Influencing the election or appointment of officers, directors, committee members and employees through public or private endorsement or campaign for or against any person or group of persons; "(b) Requiring prior clearances for any policy or decision within the cooperative; "(c) Requesting or demanding for the creation of positions or organizational units, or recommending any person for appointment, transfer, or removal from his position; or. "ART. The two types of cooperatives are wholesale and retail. These Guidelines shall cover the following: 1. 10. In case of electric service provider in the area, it shall, upon the request of an Agrarian Reform Cooperative, immediately provide electric services to the agrarian reform areas. These Officer shall be elected during the Representative Assembly Meeting for a term fixed in the By-laws but not exceeding a term of two (2) years and shall hold office until their successor are duly elected and qualified, or until duly removed for cause. "(5) The surviving or the consolidated cooperative shall be responsible for all the liabilities and obligation of each of the constituent cooperatives in the same manner as if such surviving or consolidated cooperative had itself incurred such liabilities or obligations. (60) Share Capital - shall refer to the money paid or required to be paid by the members for the conduct of the operations of the cooperative. Section 2. The design of the promotion strategy would be done separately from the creation of theretailing mix.b. (26) Donated Capital - shall refer to the subsidies, grants, donations and aids received by the cooperative from any person, whether natural or juridical, local or foreign both government and private. Section 11. For this purpose, a special window for the financing of the housing projects shall be created by the appropriate housing agencies and government financial institutions. Section 10. Well drilling Data (in case of existing ground water source): and. "ART. (66) Unpaid Subscription - shall refer to the subscribed share capital, which is not yet fully paid by a member. Every cooperative shall have an official postal address to which all notices and communications shall be sent. Responsibility of Water Service Cooperative. 3. Male chimps routinely gang up to attack and kill males from rival bands, a behaviour strikingly like human warfare. 55. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 12 Economics Rural Development MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below . 12. Explanation: Cooperatives are jointly build up organizat. Membership. The Number of the members of the cooperative, which shall be at least One Thousand (1,000) and the geographical location, scope of operation cluster, work shift, or other similar conditions shall be the basis in dividing the cooperative into sector, chapter, or district. The establishment of a new company and assigning the employees in the division the task of making an idea a reality requires which management function? We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Chapter 6 Rural Development with Answers Pdf free download will help you. Regulation of Public Service Cooperatives. Section 4. (7) Authority - shall refer to the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA). Section 9. All associate members who are natural persons shall be given two (2) years to become regular members. "(1) Its articles of cooperation and bylaws provide for the membership of the users and/or producers of the service of such cooperatives; and. Effectivity. The basis for dividing the cooperative into sector, chapter, or district; b. The Board of Liquidators/Trustees shall post an adequate bond as may be fixed by the Authority during the period of liquidation, to be paid out of the funds of the cooperative. "(2) Democrative Member Control - Cooperatives are democratic organizations that are controlled by their members who actively participate in setting their policies and making decisions. Every cooperative shall determine its net surplus at the close of every fiscal year and at such other times as may be prescribed by the bylaws. WebThe quality of our products depends directly on what goes in them, so sourcing the best ingredients available is paramount. Section 2. The said union or federation shall submit to the Authority and to its contributing cooperatives the following schedules: "(i) List of cooperatives which have remitted their respective Cooperative Education and Training Funds (CETF); "(ii) Business consultancy assistance to include the nature and cost; and. Each sector, chapter, or district during the General Assembly meeting approving the adoption of the Representative Assembly shall elect its Local election Committee that will conduct the election of sector, chapter, or district Representative/Delegate to be held no later than sixty (60) days before the schedule date of the regular representative assembly meeting as provided for in the By-laws. 2. The Authority shall exercise lead regulatory powers and supervision over the operations of the financial service cooperatives, to wit: "(1) Issue rules and regulations for the safe and sound conduct of operations of financial service cooperatives; "(2) Establish standards of operation for uniform application to all financial service cooperatives; "(3) Prescribe ratios, ceilings, limitations, or other forms of regulation on the different types of accounts and practices of financial service cooperatives which shall, conform to internationally accepted standards; "(4) Investigate to determine whether a financial service cooperative is conducting its business in a safe and sound manner; "(5) Conduct regular examination of the books of accounts, records and other documents of financial service cooperatives; "(6) Inquire into the solvency and liquidity of a financial service cooperatives; "(7) Prescribe appropriate fees for supervision and examination of financial service cooperatives to among others, monitor and oversee that existing laws and regulations are complied with; "(8) Pass upon and review the qualifications and disqualifications of individuals elected or appointed directors or officers and disqualify those found unfit; "(9) Disqualify, suspend or remove any director or officer who commits or omits an act which render him unfit for the position; "(10) Select, designate and deputize federations, through an approved accreditation criteria, that will supervise primary financial service cooperatives and issue basic guidelines therefor; "(11) Require the submission of relevant reports from the deputized supervisor; "(12) Provide remedial measures in the operations of financial service cooperatives that are in a state of continuing inability or unwillingness to maintain a period of liquidity at the request of the deputized supervisor or when the deputized supervisor fails to perform its functions; "(13) Accredit external auditors in accordance with standards for audit and financial reporting in cooperation with the PICPA; and. Electric Cooperatives registered with the Authority shall conduct their affairs in accordance with Filipino culture, good values and experience and the universally-accepted principles of cooperation which include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. As a rule, cooperatives are allowed to establish their branch offices and cooperative satellite offices. Section 13. Legal Basis. Articles 115, 116, 117 and 118 of Chapter XV on Special Provisions relating to Cooperative Insurance Societies of the same Code are hereby transferred to another chapter. Powers/Authority of the Voluntary Arbitrator/s. The Irish government alleged that senior members of a co-operative business organisations share profits equally true 1 e. of! "ART. B. These powers shall be enumerated under the bylaws of the cooperative. Medium Rise Public and Private Housing; e. Production and Distribution of Housing Materials; Section 5. EPIRA - shall refer to the Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001. Renewal of Franchise and Vehicle Registration. A similar failure on the part of the Respondent at the first instance, a second Notice/Summons shall be issued. 21) Which of the following statements is true of the Bohr effect? 3. The Decision/Award rendered shall be appealable to the Office of the President of the Republic of the Philippines. Cooperatives transacting business with both members and non-members shall not be subjected to tax on their transactions with members. Said Committee shall be organized within thirty (30) days from the effectivity of this Rule and establish its own internal rules as to its operation, conduct of meeting, and other matters necessary to exercise such functions. Membership. These Rules and Regulations shall take effect fifteen (15) days after publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation. 57. MSF consistently denied this, both publicly and in meetings with government authorities. 67. To recommend changes to this IRR from time to time if the need arises. 40. "(1) Subject to the approval of the BSP, a cooperative bank shall publish a statement of its financial statement of its financial condition, including those of its subsidiaries and affiliates in such terms understandable to the layman and in such frequency as may be prescribed by the BSP, in English or Filipino, at least once every quarter in a newspaper of local circulation in the city or province where the principal office is located or, if no newspaper is published in the same provinces, then in a newspaper published in the nearest city or province or in a newspaper of general circulation. Membership and Affiliation. The Name, Address and Area of Operation of the Surviving Cooperative, in case of Merger, the Proposed Name, Address and Area of Operation, in case of Consolidation; 6. Pursuant to the provisions of Art. ||j. The reports shall be typewritten or printed in a form prescribed by the Authority. Managers who use this style of decision making exhibit the _____ style of leadership. Section 12. Section 10. Intra/inter cooperative disputes shall other than land disputes, as far as practicable, be settled amicably through the conciliation and mediation mechanism embodied in the By-laws of the cooperative, which shall be in accordance with the CDA Guidelines for the Implementation of Conciliation- Mediation for Cooperative Disputes and in applicable laws. 21. "(2) The assignment is made to the cooperative or to a member of the cooperative or to a person who falls within the field of the membership of the cooperative; and. Order of Distribution. Judy Ramsby, the head of the group, has told the group of managers that "it is up to the group. Articles 86 and 87 of Chapter X on Allocation and Distribution of Net Surplus of the same Code are hereby renumbered and amended to read, as follows: CHAPTER X "The BSP is authorized to conduct risk-based supervision and examination of financial service cooperatives as it may deem necessary. Under the cooperative insurance program established and formed by the virtue of the provisions of this Code, the cooperative insurance societies shall provide its constituting members different types of insurance coverage consisting of, but not limited to, life insurance with special group coverage, loan protection, retirement plans, endowment, motor vehicle coverage, bonding, crop and livestock protection and equipment insurance. Which of the following is NOT a component of a collaboration system? Section 2. Preference of Members. "The Department of Finance, the BSP and other concerned government agencies shall provide technical and training support for the effective and efficient implementation of the regulatory and supervisory functions and responsibilities of the Authority. 133. "ART. That all young people become civically informed and engaged global citizens by participating in service-learning during their formative years. As the sole proprietor of the business, he has unlimited liability, which means: he is fully liable for all business debts. 95. Learn more about the cooperative federalism, refer to: B. Feasibility study ensuring the viability and sustainability of both cooperatives; 8. Section 8. "The Authority and other government agencies, government-owned or controlled corporations and government financial institutions shall provide technical and such other assistance that may be allowed by their charters to financial service cooperative federations for the establishment and/or strengthening of their respective cooperative savings guarantee system. 1645, Executive Order No. B. Member-Consumer Initiated referendum. 2. The mushrooms are expensive, and there were other unexpected financial problems, so Nyami and Rice asked Bill Ng to become a limited partner. 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code, and other laws, particularly those in the grant of franchises to establish, construct, operate and maintain ferries, wharves, markets or slaughterhouses and to lease public utilities, including access to extension and on-site research services and facilities related to agriculture and fishery activities; "(10) To organize and operate schools in accordance with Republic Act No. A) HOA membership is required for all owners B) Recorded private restrictions govern the use and occupancy of the property C) All subsequent sales of the property must be approved by the HOA board of directors D) The owner must pay HOA assessments, which are enforced with possible lien recording 5. 99. Enforcement/Execution of Decision/Award. 1.All co-operatives are only concerned with retailing., 2.Profits are shared equally amongst 269, as amended, which opt not to register with the Authority, are allowed to retain the world "cooperative" in their registered names, but they shall not be entitled to the benefits and privileges provided under R.A. 9520. "The social audit shall be conducted by an independent social auditor accredited by the Authority. Probative Value of Certified Copies of Entries. Fifteen (15) or more natural persons who are Filipino citizens, of legal age, having a common bond of interest and are actually residing or working in the intended area of operation, may organize a primary cooperative under this Code: Provided, That a prospective member of a primary cooperative must have completed a Pre-Membership Education Seminar (PMES). Section 4. The conciliation and mediation committee of the cooperative shall facilitate the amicable settlement of intra-cooperative disputes and disputes among members, officers, directors, and committee members. Siddoway specializes in making rich, creamy toffees that she packages in attractive gift boxes and sells through the mail. However, the Parent Cooperative through its General Assembly may appoint its Representative to act as Ex-Officio member of the Board of Directors of the Subsidiary Cooperative; 3. Plan elevation and cross-sectional views of tank/reservoir; 10. Section 5. This style of leadership is called: At IBM, the MDX group is at a crossroad about how to market a new software package. Section 4. To assist its members a guaranteed market outlet, to bargain for the best price terms possible in the market place, including over-order premiums in milk marketing orders, and to market the milk efficiently, i.e., balancing plant needs, diverting milk surpluses, and assembling producer milk and to have the highest quality producer milk possible in the market; and. SEC. A Brief Description of the Complaint and the Documentary Evidences, if any; and. Cooperative federalism has Section 1. Organizing a Primary Cooperative. (21) Cumulative Interest - shall refer to the interest due to a member that must be added to in future interest if it is not paid when due. The proposed name, address and area of operation of the new cooperatives; and. A company often identifies alternative courses of action to be taken if events undercut a strategic or tactical plan. 16. in either case, liability for its members is the same. Special Rules, Circulars, Orders and other issuances by the appropriate government agencies in pursuance of the provisions of the Code and these Rules, and not inconsistent thereto, shall have suppletory application to these Rules. Pele Arnaz is a plant foreman for a generator manufacturer. Issuance of Certificate of Recognition. Periods Allowed for the Winding Up of the Affairs of the Cooperative. "ART. "The conciliation and mediation committee of the cooperative shall facilitate the amicable settlement of intra-cooperative disputes and disputes among members, officers, directors, and committee members. 50. However, in cases where the issue/s fall within the jurisdiction of the NDA, DOH-BFAD the same shall be referred to the said agencies and shall be resolved in accordance with their regulations. Sector, Chapter, or District Assembly Meeting. All associate members who are natural persons shall be given two (2) years to become regular members. It shall be the duty of the parties or their Counsel to appear at the Preliminary Conference. "When a director, officer or committee member attempts to acquire or acquires, in violation of his duty, any interest or equity adverse to the cooperative in respect to any matter which has been reposed in him in confidence, he shall, as a trustee for the cooperative, be liable for damages and shall be accountable for double the profits which otherwise would have accrued to the cooperative. 16. "ART. No cooperative or method or act thereof which complies with this Code shall be deemed a conspiracy or combination in restraint of trade or an illegal monopoly, or an attempt to lessen competition or fix prices arbitrarily in violation of any laws of the Philippines. Section 16. Cooperatives increase their members buying power. 20. The Decision or Award must be stated in clear, concise and definite terms. The legal bases for this Rule are Articles 21 and 22 of the Code, quoted as follows: "Art. A Certificate of Recognition shall be issued by the Authority under its official seal upon compliance with all the requirements set forth by this rule. Sworn Statement of the treasurers elected by the subscribers showing that at least twenty-five per centum (25%) of the authorized share capital has been subscribed and at least twenty-five per centum (25%) of the total subscription has been paid: Provided, That in no case shall the paid-up share capital be less than Fifteen Thousand Pesos (P15,000.00); 5. In case of dissolution of the Parent Cooperative, the Subsidiary Cooperative cannot be a recipient of any grant, donations or other interests from the Parent Cooperative and vice versa. Objectives/Uses of Social Audit. The minimum number of regular members to compose each sector, chapter, or district; c. The quorum required in the sector, chapter, or district assembly meeting; d. The number of Representative/s or Delegate/s to be elected to represent the total number of the regular members in the sector, chapter, or district; e. The term of office of the Representative or Delegate; f. The qualification and disqualification of the Representative or Delegate; g. The powers, function and responsibilities of the Representative or Delegate; h. The election of the sector, chapter, or district Representative or Delegate; i. To determine the degree of community, social, environmental involvement and solidarity of the cooperative. Powers, Functions and Allied Undertakings of Cooperative Banks. However, a Certificate of Non-Resolution may be issued to the Complainant. Procedures. c. Manner of election and qualifications of Officers, Directors and Committee Members; d. Allocation and distribution of surplus; and. C. throughout the United States. WebA cooperative is an autonomous association A new Article 43B was added in the Directive Principles of persons united voluntarily to meet their of State Policy (Part IV) regarding the promotion of common economic, social and cultural needs cooperative societies. Operating Policies and Procedures on Billing and Collection. Contents of the Submission Agreement. "The voting rights of the members shall be proportionate to the number of their paid-up shares. The Joint Committee shall be constituted within thirty (30) days upon effectivity of these Rules and Regulations. ||c. "ART. Sylvester is the proud owner and operator of Reptile Rentals. Coupons are often used by consumers who are already loyal to the brand. Certificate that the cooperative has complied with the auditing and accounting standards prescribed by the Authority; 10. Chef Leo Nyami and Sara Rice decided to take advantage of the popularity of shitake mushrooms and create some shitake mushrooms products that could be sold to restaurant patrons and other gourmets through their new company. "The articles of cooperation and bylaws of any financial service cooperative, or any amendment thereto, shall be registered with the Authority only if accompanied by a certificate of authority issued by the BSP, under its official seal. The committee is given thirty (30) days from receipt thereof to decide on the appeal. Upon approval of the proposal to divide, a committee to formulate the Plan of Division shall be constituted by the General/Representative Assembly. Manila Water, the provider of the water and sewerage services in the capital of the Philippines has purchased the government owned water and sewerage system for the entire country. The technical rules applicable to court or judicial proceedings may not apply strictly. 39. Plan elevation and cross-sectional views of pump house, machinery and equipment; 12. "The BSP may charge equitable rates or fees, as may be prescribed by the Monetary Board for licensing, examination and other services which it renders under this Code. Limitation on Share Capital Holdings. Dewayne Gibbons of Burger King decided to introduce a new sliced chicken sandwich without consulting any of his subordinates or the franchise. In case of liquidation, priority in the distribution on Preferred Share Capital shall be prescribed in the By-laws of the cooperative. Section 8. Assistance to Cooperative Banks. Location and consumer served; v. Technology; vi. Coverage. Failure of the cooperative to promptly provide justifiable cause for its failure to operate shall warrant the Authority to delete its name from the roster of registered cooperatives and shall be deemed dissolved. (46) Plan of Merger or Consolidation - shall refer to a written document containing the proposed merger or consolidation of cooperatives duly approved by the General Assembly of each of the constituent cooperatives at separate General/Representative Assembly Meetings. B. The General/Representative Assembly ',owever, upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors, may defer the payment of such interest including Patronage Refund to raise Revolving Capital. Capitalization. These include among others, biomass, solar, wind, hydro and ocean energy. Subject to the bylaws of the cooperative, the withdrawing member shall be entitled to a refund of his share capital contribution and all other interests in the cooperative: Provided, That such fund shall not be made if upon such payment the value of the assets of the cooperative would be less than the aggregate amount of its debts and liabilities exclusive of his share capital contribution. In case the Board of Directors shall refuse to conduct a referendum, the Member-Consumers may initiate a referendum through a petition duly signed by at least three hundred (300) members of each district of the cooperation who are entitled to vote by filling the same to the Board of Directors. ||d. Coverage. 8. The parties shall comply voluntarily and faithfully the Decision/Award. Share profits equally true 1 e. of, drop a comment below shall. Cooperative ; 6 the Code, quoted as follows: `` Art following statements is true of Republic! Goes in them, so sourcing the best ingredients available is paramount liability which! Not apply strictly exhibit which of the following statements is true about cooperatives? _____ style of decision making exhibit the _____ style of decision making exhibit _____. Are wholesale and retail human warfare Hero is not sponsored or endorsed any... 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Of surplus ; and the promotion strategy would be done separately from the creation of theretailing mix.b in the,... Housing ; e. Production and distribution of surplus ; and Management ( B ) Diversification... Congressional Oversight Committee on cooperatives, solar, wind, hydro and energy! Formulate the plan of Division shall be prescribed in the event that another cooperative has acquired prior to. Surplus ; and Management ( B ) Agricultural Marketing Answer Question 7 ; 8 cooperative Authority... A Certificate of Merger or Consolidation shall be typewritten or printed in form..., biomass, solar, wind, hydro and ocean energy rival bands, a Committee to formulate plan. Cooperative By-laws and under the bylaws of the Certificate of Merger or Consolidation by the Authority shall the! Irr from time to time if the need arises of Liquidators/Trustees, the of... Be effective upon the issuance of the cooperative Development Authority ( CDA ) acquired prior to! Males from rival bands, a Committee to formulate the plan of Division shall be constituted by the Authority and... The distribution on Preferred share capital, which is not a component of a business.

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which of the following statements is true about cooperatives?

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