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xkcd what if neutron star

xkcd what if neutron star

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xkcd what if neutron star

One is that dropping things from space creates heat. The story icomes from a National Geographic video. Surprisingly, most skyscrapers would hold up fine under much higher gravity. This animation shows the size and scale of a neutron star over San Francisco. It's not actually enough to substantially warm the planetEarth's surface temperature is dominated by the atmosphere and the Sunbut it would lead to more volcanoes, more earthquakes, and faster tectonic movement. The cause of the collapse would be the expanding ground below them, not the increased gravity. feed 2022 . Even after a day, the extra 5.4 kilometers would be handled easily by virtually all structures. Enter the Space & Beyond Box Photo Contest! Thank goodness xkcd creator Randall Munroe is here to help. Only small insects (and sea animals) would be physically able to move around. A chunk of ice from space that falls to Earth gains enough energy to warm the ice up, melt it, boil it into vapor, and then heat the vapor to thousands of degrees. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Core collapse supernovae happen to giant stars, so if you observed a supernova from that distance, you'd probably be inside the outer layers of the star that created it. What is the process that creates a neutron star? Statistically, my first neutrino interaction probably happened somewhere around age 10. and more Earth means more heat. Neutron stars are made in supernova explosions which are giant neutrino factories. After this point, it would collapse into something like a sputtering white dwarf or neutron star, and thenif its mass kept increasingeventually become a black hole. The subject matter of the comic varies from statements on life and love to . available to order from: Chapters Indigo, Amazon CA, Other retailers, available to preorder from: Penguin Random house, Amazon, Germany, available to order from: Waterstones UK, Blackwells UK, Amazon UK, Mighty Ape NZ, and Booktopia AU, available to order from: Amazon US, Penguin Random House, Barnes and Noble, Bookshop, Books-A-Million, IndieBound, Apple Books, Apple Audiobooks, Kobo Audiobooks, and Google Play, Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions, Absurd Scientific Advice for Common Real-World Problems. A real star type. For the type of star, see Red dwarf." The neutron star, known as PSR J0952-0607, was discovered in 2017 about . Feb. 17, 2023 10:28 a.m. PT. : Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions This an illusion, of course; it's not possible to catch a bullet like that. According to ballistics lab Close Focus Research, this is almost exactly how high a .22 Long Rifle bullet will fly if fired directly upward. Surface gravity would only have gone up by 0.4%, rather than 1.2%, since surface gravity is proportional to radius. The neutron stars we can observe average about 1.8 million degrees Fahrenheit, compared to about 9,900 degrees Fahrenheit for the Sun. Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions, Absurd Scientific Advice for Common Real-World Problems, More Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions. This theory was never very widespread,[3]It turns out it's kind of dumb. Most neutron stars cram twice our sun's mass into a sphere nearly 14 miles (22 kilometers) wide, according to a new study. "Sir, is this container under 3 ounces?" "Not sure, how much blood is there in a church mouse?" Reply . A pulsar is a fast-spinning neutron star: the remnant of a star that has fallen in on itself under the pull of its own gravity, collapsing down to a dense, city-size orb of . A new gravitational-wave detection points to the largest known neutron star or the smallest known black hole, and suggests weirder things still to come. She covers climate change, space rockets, mathematical puzzles, dinosaur bones, black holes, supernovas, and sometimes, the drama of philosophical thought experiments. They're like the baby brothers of black holes. The name 'neutron star' comes from the sub-atomic particles called neutrons, which you usually find inside the nuclei of atoms. Join us on an imaginary adventure grounded in scientific theory through time, space and chance, as we ask what if some of the most fundamental aspects of our existence were different.Feedback, inquiries and suggestions: But our calculations clearly show that it is," Darach Watson, associate professor at the Niels Bohr Institute and study co-author, said in a statement. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Perhaps humans could survive in specially-built controlled-pressure domes, moving around by keeping most of our bodies submerged in water. Neutron stars typically have a radius of 10 km / 6.2 mi and a mass of around 1.4 to 3.2 solar masses. Use the fact that a Neutron Star has about 1.4 times the mass of the Sun, that the sun's mass is about 333,000 times the mass of the Earth, and that the radius is about 10 kilometers (as opposed to the Earth's radius of 6371 kilometers). "No one expected the explosion to look like this. Similarly, it's so hard to get enough neutrinos to compel even a single one of them to interact with matter, making it hard to picture a scenario in which there'd be enough of them to affect you. This note was added to Wikipedia, but quickly removed. The hardest part is sticking the landing. In short, the answer to Grey's question is yes 500 mph winds would send you flying through the air. It premiered on August 11, 2021 and concluded on October 6, 2021. More active plate tectonics might be good for life. 08.23.07. serious answers to absurd questions and absurd advice for common concerns from xkcd's Randall Munroe. Dropping a comet into the ocean to cool the planet, famously suggested by the 2002 Futurama episode None Like It Hot,[1]I'm used to stuff making me feel old, but the fact that this episode aired 20 years ago is distressing in multiple ways. would be around half a nanosievert, or 1/500th the dose from eating a banana.[7] Typical properties are shown below. [8]See What-If #64. While scientific instruments can measure how a mountain-sized mass affects local gravity, the effects are too small for people to feel. All rights reserved. There are no purely vertical cliffs that are that tall, so you'd need to fire the bullet at an angle, and it would have significant sideways speed at the top of its arc. After a month, the Earth would have expanded by 26 kilometersan increase of 0.4%and its mass would have increased by 1.2%. Everything within that 5 mile field would be blown away, as if hit with a nuclear bomb. [1]Less often if you're a child, since you have fewer atoms to be hit. Join Us in Tucson for Our Annual Public Star Party! Unlike the larger, original Starlink V2s designed for Starship, these upgraded Starlink satellites are still designed to launch on Falcon 9. Lett., 38, L13304, doi:10.1029/2011GL047450. At that speed, as long as you were in the right place at the right time, you could snatch it out of the air. feed 2022 . Supernovae[4]"Supernovas" is also fine. In fact, neutrinos are so shadowy that the entire Earth is transparent to them; nearly all of the Sun's neutrino flood goes straight through it unaffected. This is the same expression as the equation for an electron's velocity under electron degeneracy pressure, except that in the electron's case, the mass is the electron's mass. Neutron stars are among the smallest and densest stars, excluding black holes, and hypothetical white holes. Spice up your small talk with the latest tech news, products and reviews. Before the continential drift hypothesis was confirmed in the 1960s, [2] people had noticed that the continents fit together. Everest would no longer be in the "death zone". Article title. Last chance to join our 2020 Costa Rica Star Party! According to a 2016 study, supernovae occurring as close as 50 light-years from Earth could pose an imminent danger to Earths biospherehumans included. They are responsible for, A real star type. Crops wouldn't stand up under their own weight. How do I get rid of whiteheads on my nose naturally? For the rest of the day, you wouldn't notice much of anything. NICER is a two-in-one mission. When our sun enters this phase in a few billion years, it will consume Mercury, Venus, and possibly the Earth. View our Privacy Policy. Otherwise, if you look at a standard star to measure the structure of our galaxy, you might not know if it's super far away or just really dim for whatever reason. Argis13 (talk) 14:18, 25 February 2021 (UTC). Physicists think a neutron star is sort of like an egg, with a crust (the shell), an outer core (the egg white), and an inner one (the yolk). People have long suggested that it might be. This channel runs preposter. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. They can convert the heavy subatomic particles into protons and electrons. Want to know what would happen if you rode a helicopter blade, built a billion-story building, made a lava lamp out of lava, or jumped on a geyser as it erupted? Neutron stars pack their mass inside a 20-kilometer (12.4 miles) diameter. The most common, smallest, and coolest type of true star in the universe. How do I minimise waste on a flight? although it still periodically makes the rounds on YouTube. [5]Karam, P. Andrew. 2.9K. To avoid the problem of rifts in the ground, let's imagine all the matter in the Earth, from the crust to the core, starts expanding uniformly. The heaviest neutron star ever detected is shredding its companion while spinning on its axis over 700 times per second. And apols again to the first explained who seemed to appreciate their submission as only a placeholder so I overwrote rather than integrated. That size implies a black hole can often swallow a neutron star whole. \[ 0.5\text{ nanosieverts} \times\left ( \frac{1\text{ parsec}}{x}\right )^2 = 5\text{ sieverts} \] The - talk stalk 11:57, 8 October 2020 (UTC), Is the scale correct for the real stars? still have questions, and those questions are getting stranger. If you built an icy waterfall from space, the water would arrive at the bottom as a river of superheated steam. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. A paper by radiation expert Andrew Karam provides an answer. This CO2[4]Along with carbon monoxide, which indirectly affects the climate in a similar waysee pg. Not only would we be unable to move around to find food, but our hearts would be unable to pump blood to our brains. Breathing would be difficult. TIL If we brought a tablespoonful of a neutron star back to Earth, it would weigh 1 Billion tons, or the equivalent of Mt. This is, in fact, sort of how Edwin Hubble originally showed humanity in 1929 that our cosmic realm is expanding in the first place. The largest class of star in the main sequence, these are highly luminous and have life spans measured in only millions of years, rather than the billions or trillions of years for other star types. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. 2.3 AU is a little more than the distance between the Sun and Mars. All human structures will stay. Reminds me of an XKCD joke. Sneppen also offers that, in the milliseconds during which the two neutron stars collided to form a giant neutron star, that newly minted mega star might've emitted a bunch of neutrinos. At this point, the star is simply getting . (Since Cueball and Black Hat are able to stand upright, it suggests the gravitational pull is a . In terms of the perplexing explosion shape, though, Watson explained another possible reason. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. And indeed, it is by nine orders of magnitude. So, here's a thought: What would you expect to happen if we took two vicious neutron stars and smashed them together? I had to turn it over in my head a few times after I heard it. Its like adding another mountain. An idea of the true size of a star has only really been possible since the development of modern instrumental astronomy, which can also determine the different conditions that make a red dwarf or a red giant 'red' and other key aspects of their nature that are summarized for each example. A bigger projectile can go further. It's okay. A neutron star also has powerful gravity pulling it together, but a force between the neutrons, caused by a quantum mechanical effect known as degeneracy pressure, pushes the particles apart . That's why this is a neat question; supernovae are unimaginably huge and neutrinos are unimaginably insubstantial. It has a companion star in close proximity, and because of its powerful gravity, strips that neighbor of its outer layers of gas. This is a good thing to keep in mind if you buy a digital scale. Inbox, #2, Weird (and Worrying) Questions from the What If? Therefore, only the surfaces can cool by the emission of such radiation. book series or on the blog. comics from xkcd. Inbox, #3, Weird (and Worrying) Questions from the What If? How do you prevent jellyfish stings when swimming? Your pendulum clock would now be ahead by five days. On the other hand, since you'd be heavierand the mountain would be tallerclimbing would be more work. 11:02, 30 November 2020 (UTC), No, not really. In the case of neutron decay, about 0.08% of the mass gets converted to energy in the process, which doesn't sound like too much, but multiply it over your teaspoon of neutron star, and it ends up . After 40 years, Earth's surface gravity would have tripled. Anybody know why? A supernova radiates 10 times more neutrinos than there are particles, protons, neutrons and electrons in the sun. In the other scenario, we'd be ok for a little while longer. Concrete expands and contracts by more than that every day. The satellites would stay in roughly the same orbits, but the delicate timing that the GPS system is based on would be completely ruined within hours. Of course, he was being figurativeyou wouldn't see the bullet coming, so you'd be just as likely to catch it with your face as with your glove. The first is the internal relaxation stage, lasting from ~10-10 3 years, ending when the neutron star reaches thermal relaxation. What If? Geologic activity would also accelerate. I've seen quite a bit of that on this page. A tablespoon of a neutron star weights about 1 billion tons. As such, they are the densest objects in the universe. Franz and P.C. When we bring our spoonful of neutron star to Earth, weve popped the tab on the gravity holding it together, and whats inside expands very rapidly. It probably wouldn't stop completely; more likely, it would be drifting sideways at a couple meters per second. The release of magnetic energy could cause the matter in the explosion to be distributed more spherically. Magical storks deliver babies, magical cranes deliver comets. However, were not just worried about the mass in the spoon. A page might have a title that is too easily landed upon by a search term that might also be expected to lead to one under a quite different subject, such as the case-sensitive example of "This article is about the British comedy franchise. Star Sand February 11, 2014. It would instantly expand to about 5 miles in diameter. But under the right conditions, you could catch a bullet. Before the continential drift hypothesis was confirmed in the 1960s,[2]The smoking gun that confirmed the plate tectonics hypothesis was the discovery of seafloor spreading. Statistically, my first neutrino interaction probably happened somewhere around age 10. A neutron star is effectively a stellar corpse; the leftover remains of a star that has exhausted its fuel and collapsed into itself in a spectacular fashion. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. If you're not a physics person, it might not sound odd to you, so here's a little context for why it's such a surprising idea: Neutrinos are ghostly particles that barely interact with the world at all. Answer (1 of 22): Summary - This is fictional. The Earth is not, currently, expanding. Outer space is a lot higher up than Niagara Falls,[citation needed] so the plunge down into the atmosphere at the bottom of Earth's gravity well adds a lot more than 0.1 degrees worth of heat. Okay, if you insist. This crowd takes up an area the size of Rhode Island. Mount Thor, which you may remember from question #51, features a vertical drop of 1,250 meters. The former NASA roboticist, 29, has built a cult following with his stick-figure webcomic xkcd as well . That's why the phrase "lethal dose of neutrino radiation" sounds weirdit mixes scales in an incongruous way. But the thing is, measurement checkpoints have to be as uniform as possible for the best mathematical results. Monisha Ravisetti is a science writer at CNET. For most of them, the limiting factor isn't weight, but wind. This is the type of star that. Neutron stars are phenomenally dense. [citation needed], I'm thinking a table (Name, appearance, summary, is real?, example-or-inspiration linkies) that way the paragraphs for what-is-real, what-is-xkcd and this-is-punchline don't themselves get ungainly (just needs very minor editing and wikilinking, possibly). When the Moon passed this boundarycalled the Roche limitit would gradually break apart and Earth would, for a short time, have rings. He'd used a massive telescope to record galaxies moving farther and farther away from us, and from one another, more quickly as time progressed. 11:30, 17 September 2020 (UTC), Teal Sphinx? Alternative title. GPS timing is incredibly precise; of all the problems in engineering, it's one of the only ones in which engineers have been forced to include both special and general relativity in their calculations. 718-719 of the IPCC WG1 AR5 report for more. In the series, the only human survivor of a disaster on the ship was a low-level crewman who was put in stasis for three million years, making the ship very ancient compared to humanity, though perhaps not compared to a star. When we take our spoon and transport it to Earth, the rest of the stars mass and the gravity associated with it is gone. Overwhelmingly Large Telescope xkcd comics i enjoy . Applying the physicist rule of thumb suggests that the supernova is brighter. If some parts of the neutron star are hotter than others, such as the magnetic poles, then pulses of thermal X-rays from . . where m is the mass of the neutron and h is Planck's constant. It might not be able to help us with this problem, but perhaps someday, far in the future, we'll encounter a problem for which a giant comet crane is the solution. Hall thrusters go argon with Starlink V2 mini. At the start of the scenario, the entire Earths population has been magically transported together into one place. Neutron stars are thought to be formed from the supernova explosion that ends the life of a medium-sized star, roughly eight to 20 times the mass of our sun. [4]Floor water. It wouldn't just cancel out the cooling effect of the iceover time, the comet's greenhouse effect would deliver as much heat as if you'd just let it slam into the planet and vaporize. Could I cool down the Earth by capturing a comet and dropping it in the ocean, like an ice cube in a glass of water? "Supernovii" is discouraged. Before publishing the first what if? A tablespoon of neutron star weighs more than 1 billion tons (900 billion kg) the weight of Mount Everest. New York: Basic Books, 2012. Too Perfect. If you have a math background, it's sort of like seeing the expression "ln(x)e"it's not that, taken literally, it doesn't make sense, but it's hard to imagine a situation where it would apply. articles, published either in Randall Munroe's What If? A stone si. Here's a puzzle I once heard: Though it may seem like you'd need miles of rope, the answer is 6.28 meters. Complex physics dictates what happens after two neutron stars collide -- whether the collision creates a bigger neutron star or collapses to form a black hole. Well, I'd argue,anything except what scientists just observed. But all that matter has been compressed to an object about 10 miles (16 kilometers) across. The neutron star, a pulsar designated PSR J0952-0607, is thus the densest object within sight of Earth. At this point, even the strongest humans would only be able to walk with great difficulty. provide that scenario. Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions, Absurd Scientific Advice for Common Real-World Problems, More Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions, I'm used to stuff making me feel old, but the fact that this episode aired 20 years ago is distressing in. and you were hanging out in a hot-air balloon directly above the firing range it's possible that you could reach out and snag the bullet at the apex of its flight. A full-size comet wouldn't be strong enough to support its own weight, and would collapse like a drying sand sculpture. 0:04. There's been a lot of them, and they seem repetitive - no real new humor. Additionally, the star loses a lot of mass in the process and winds up only about 1.5 times the Suns mass. Neutron stars cram roughly 1.3 to 2.5 solar masses into a city-sized sphere perhaps 20 kilometers (12 miles) across. As confirmed by dozens of YouTube videos (and Mythbusters), bullets fired into ice are often found still spinning rapidly. [2] More massive stars explode as supernovas, while their cores collapse into neutron stars: ultra-dense, fast-spinning spheres made of the same ingredients as the nucleus of an atom. [1]This was confirmed by Mythbusters in episode 4 of Season 4. "If they are bright and mostly spherical, and if we know how far away they are, we can use kilonovae as a new way to measure the distance independently -- a new kind of cosmic ruler," Watson said. Hercules X-1 isn't alone in space. The life of super-Earths: how the hunt for alien worlds and artificial cells will revolutionize life on our planet. Given the uncertainty in the bullet's exact arc, you'd probably have to fire thousands of shots before catching one at exactly the right spot. comics from xkcd. "Knowing what the shape is, is crucial here, because if you have an object that is not spherical, it emits differently, depending on your sight angle. At such a close distance, the orbital frequency is very high (hundreds of Hertz), so the neutron star is spun up . If you built an icy waterfall from space, the water would arrive at the bottom as a river of superheated steam. The nature of matter under these conditions is a decades-old unsolved problem. Some types of stars can vary in a wide range of sizes as well. These are formed when stars at about the Sun's size finally die, after their red giant phase. Gravity would take a long time to increase. If the mass is more than about three solar masses the star will collapse into a black hole. The event would likely shower us in so much high-energy cosmic radiation that it could spark a planetary mass extinction. An artist's illustration of a kilonova explosion, as two neutron stars collide. But what if we took just a spoonful of it and transported it to Earth? When a neutron star is first formed in a supernova, its surface is extremely hot (more than 1 million degrees). The "bullet catch" is a common magic trick in which a magician appears to catch a fired bullet in mid-flightoften between their teeth. Inbox, #1, Weird (and Worrying) Questions from the What If? Large comets can reach the ground intact and be vaporized on impact as their kinetic energy is converted to heat all at once. If you don't have a balloon, you could potentially make this work from a mountain peak. This is a list of What If? X-ray: NASA/CXC/UNAM/Ioffe/D.Page, P. Shternin et al; Optical: NASA/STScI; Illustration: NASA/CXC/M. Sadly, we don't have the technology to build comet-lowering cranescertainly not in time to help mitigate climate change. The #1 New York Timesbestselling author of What If? This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. See table below. This ship is small (compared to a star) and one of the characters is indeed very cool (as in a cool cat), but dim-witted (the star of the series is none too bright, either). The reason you don't notice the neutrino flood is that neutrinos hardly interact with ordinary matter at all. Gravity varies by this much between different cities already. What if neutron star bullet? The star starts fusing helium to carbon, like lower-mass stars. In addition to dust and water, they contain a small amount of CO2, which would be released into the atmosphere as the comet melted. serious answers to absurd questions and absurd advice for common concerns from xkcd's Randall Munroe. 2: Additional Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions is out! After the initial jolt, one of the first effects you'd notice would be that your GPS would stop working. It would have lost its upward momentum, but not its rotational momentum; it would still have the spin given to it by the barrel of the gun. Eventually, they would have to break up, right? It's hard to suck in air against the weight of the water, which is why snorkels can only work when your lungs are near the surface. If you succeeded, you might notice something odd: In addition to being hot, the bullet would be spinning. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. [3]Don't do this. One comet, lowered from space down to the surface, could supply the entire world's energy consumption for a year. A sugar cube of neutron star material weighs as . Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. They are extremely dense and no longer undergo nuclear fusion. DeathNoteRs 7 yr. ago. What If? Comets are more dust than ice, but they're not particularly dense. The physicist who mentioned this problem to me told me his rule of thumb for estimating supernova-related numbers: However big you think supernovae are, they're bigger than that. , has built a cult following with his stick-figure webcomic xkcd as well supernova! Mi and a mass of the neutron star, a real star type our 2020 Rica. Just observed hypothesis was confirmed by dozens of YouTube videos ( and Worrying ) Questions from the xkcd what if neutron star?. Size and scale of a neutron star, known as PSR J0952-0607, is thus the densest object within of. They would have to break up, right of it and transported it to Earth everest would longer. First explained who seemed to appreciate their submission as only a placeholder so I overwrote rather 1.2! Over 700 times per second magically transported together into one place in episode 4 of Season.. Are giant neutrino factories Falcon 9 the thing is, measurement checkpoints have to break up, right too! 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