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elaboration likelihood model pros and cons

elaboration likelihood model pros and cons

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elaboration likelihood model pros and cons

In the central route, we pay attention to the merits of an argument, and we carefully weigh the pros and cons of an issue. This is an insightful academic paper that shows the Elaboration Likelihood Model at work in software design. The researchers . Consequently, this paper will examine In order to engage an audience so that they can use central route processing, our design has to access their ability to process it. function Gsitesearch(curobj){curobj.q.value="site:"+domainroot+" "+curobj.qfront.value}. Springer, New York, NY. Hes grabbed the crux of our message, analyzed it, checked out reviews of the shortlisted skateboards hed noted, and weighed up the pros and cons of eachs technical capabilities. Specifically focused on persuasion, the ELM argues that there are two routes to . Another factor affecting elaboration is whether or not we have the time and ability to pay attention. Simply Psychology. But first a quick re-cap of the ELM persuasion model. The model was introduced by Petty and Cacioppo over three decades ago and has been modified, revised and extended. Objective: The objective of this study was to use the Elaboration Likelihood Model to compare the impact of central and peripheral prevention messages on alcohol consumption and drunkorexic behavior. var domainroot="" (2019). That way, we can appeal to both and not risk alienating either one. The elaboration likelihood model has been an influential and widely-cited theory in psychology, and its key contribution is the idea that people can be persuaded of things in one of two different ways depending on their level of elaboration for a particular topic. By making the minor decisions on auto-pilot using peripheral processing, you free up more time to think about the more significant decisions you need to make. Persuasion often has a negative reputation. Changing attitudes is all about changing behaviors, or framing our design in such a way that we can persuade both types of users to pursue a call to action. His decision-making was more passive, or rather, more peripheral. They noticed that previous persuasion theories gave conflicting results and developed the model to explain better how people are persuaded. The elaboration likelihood model was developed by Richard E. Petty and John Cacioppo in 1980. You can persuade someone who trusts you by appealing with a convincing argument, backed up with solid facts, accessing emotions. Examples & Pros/Cons 7:52 Elaboration Likelihood Model of . One major factor is whether the issue is personally relevant to us. Thus, when trying to persuade others, different routes of persuasion can be used to increase the likelihood of attitude change. One of them is whether an issue is personally relevant. Das Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) ist eines der grundlegenden Modelle zur Vorhersage von Einstellungsnderungen, das breite Anwendung in der Persuasionsforschung findet. Those using central route processing are also more likely to focus and ignore distractions in seeking out their goals (Geddes, 2016). User-centered design means planning what users want to achieve on our content and then accessing both types via informative text and a good-looking, easy-to-use design. Conversely, when elaboration is lower, people use peripheral route processing where they are influenced by rules of . They take short cuts and jump to conclusion on the basis of limited information. Therefore, the recipient isnt sure whether to agree or disagree with the message. She doesnt take the time or the effort to read the reviews, but settles for seeing the number of stars. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. . The elaboration likelihood model (ELM) of persuasion includes two possible routes of persuasion or attitude change: the central and peripheral. The central route uses message elaboration, and can produce a major positive attitude change, while the peripheral route uses six different message irrelevant cues to illicit a quick response with a minor shift . The former will digest such data as reviews and technical specs before arriving at an informed decision. Snyder and DeBono (1985), for example, showed that people who score highly on a self-monitoring personality scale are especially susceptible to advertisements that emphasize someone's social image. A third factor has been added to this. This is because it relates to time and place and how much time a person has to make a decision. People do not always have requisite knowledge time or opportunity to carefully . Peripheral route processing involves a low level of elaboration. This is where we need to stand back and evaluate what we want to build according to a strong user-centered design process. The Elaboration Likelihood Model Applied to Internet Advertising In just a few years, the Internet has established itself as a very powerful platform that has changed the way we communicate. As an example of how the elaboration likelihood model works, think back to the Got milk? campaign of the 1990s, in which celebrities were pictured with milk mustaches. Its connected to swindling or to being confronted with things people arent asking for. Someone who has less time to pay attention to an ad would have a lower level of elaboration, so they might be persuaded by seeing a favorite celebrity with a milk mustache (i.e. At higher levels of elaboration, people are more likely to think over an issue carefully, but, at lower levels, they may make decisions that are less carefully thought out. It concludes with an Elaboration Likelihood Model example. This depends on their motivation and competence. This is crucial to understand the message. A., Haugtvedt, C. P., & Cacioppo, J. T. (1987). If you have bells and whistles, such as enticing, pleasing imagery, youll appeal to them. A List Apart. In Communication and persuasion (pp. For example, someone may be more likely to side with a family member whom they feel affection toward than a stranger in an argument which that family member is involved in.. Figure 1 Elaboration Likelihood Model of Persuasion (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986). Elaboration can also be affected by someone's time and ability to think over an issue. Peripheral route to persuasion . Direct persuasion route requires giving the audience arguments and . There are several major factors that affect elaboration. Finally, the last postulate specifies the different consequences of attitude changes induced via the central and peripheral routes. Fortunately, weve designed our site in such a way that it can appeal to Ben, too. Copyright terms and licence: CC BY-SA 3.0. Within three minutes, hes homed in on the one he wants; its $59.95. Petty, R. E., Barden, J., & Wheeler, S. C. (2009). However, nobody can hope to persuade anybody with 100% guaranteed success: you can only design for persuasion. Peripheral route processing is essential because you simply dont have time to consider every decision you make carefully. . Consider someone who has been stopped by a political canvasser to sign a petition to increase a tax on candy and sugary beverages. As stated by Festringer (1950), people naturally want to have correct attitudes. According to the elaboration likelihood model, people can have either high or low levels of elaboration the extent to which they are willing and able to scrutinize an argument. Communication, and therefore persuasion, occurs frequently in daily situations. The elaboration likelihood model explains how people can be persuaded to change their attitudes. Explanation of Theory: There are two routes to persuasion -- the central route and the peripheral route. Elaboration likelihood model Persuasion has traditionally been associated with two routes. From there, he can click on dropdown menus to fine-tune his search. To determine which route to use, the model says that three factors determine whether your elaboration is likely to be high. Central route processing happens when elaboration is higher. The elaboration likelihood model explains how people can be persuaded to change their attitudes. What does elaboration mean in the context of the model? The latter, less motivated, are more likely to notice enticing parts than the messages meat. Importantly, attitudes formed through the central route seem to be especially strong. The model also shows these differences affect peoples attitudes. This is because there are no peripheral cues. According to the elaboration likelihood model, people can have either high or low . Low elaboration, or peripheral route processing, means the opposite. For example, imagine that youre approached at the supermarket and asked to sign a political petition. Those with high levels of elaboration are more likely to process information via a central route, and those with low levels of elaboration are more apt to process information via a peripheral route, where they are more prone to distraction. Empathy vs. weekly inspiration and design tips in your inbox. Short, to-the-point text (quoting specifications of boards and being sure not to flood our users cognitive loads) and links to the pages where we show new models would be required here. Because theyll be reckoning so much on what the message is telling them, a decision to agree with it will be because of the users work (i.e., thought). And it's an incredibly important theory for designers to understand and apply to their designs. The model, developed by Richard E Petty and John Cacioppo, was published in the 80s. The elaboration likelihood model is a theory developed by Richard Petty and John Cacioppo in the 1970s and 1980s. Export/Import requirements in a large scale is a humbling experience with the tool, a lot of manual work is needed. When people are strongly motivated and have time to think over a decision, persuasion occurs through the central route, in which they carefully weigh the pros and cons of a choice. Moreover, note that the term elaboration likelihood refers to the likelihood one engages in issue-relevant thinking with the aim of determining the merits of the arguments for a position rather than the total amount of thinking per se in which a person engages. This is a low level of elaboration. In this video, we will explore What is Elaboration Likelihood Model.Elaboration Likelihood Model is a dual process theory that aims to explain different ways. First, you decide to create an ad targeting central route processors. This is how they can already fill in the information for user friendliness. ThoughtCo, Aug. 28, 2020, The message is not cognitively analysed and not critically considered. All these episodes are now in one course: Check it out here: http:/. Denis now spends his days helping others understand complex business topics. Building on the social persuasion theory of the elaboration likelihood model, we systematically examine the sender and receiver determinants of voice endorsement and how the interplay of those determinants affects voice endorsement. The elaboration likelihood model is a theory of persuasion that explains that you can motivate people via one of two processing routes. There are several pros and cons associated with the elaboration likelihood model. The success of this attempt depends upon how well the target audience is known and understood. Definition and Examples, The 14 Best Business Books for MBA Students, Information Processing Theory: Definition and Examples. Photo courtesy: Chegg. Applying the Elaboration Likelihood Model to Design. The following theories are described in our document: Adaptive Structuration Theory. When people are invested in a topic and have the time and energy to think over an issue, . For example, someone wanting a new laptop thats good but cheap is more likely to process by the peripheral route than one who is knowledgeable about the specific features of laptops. However, not all researchers agree that there are two routes to persuasion: some researchers have proposed a unimodel of persuasion in which there is just one route to persuasion, rather than a central and peripheral route. Because he is highly motivated, Bens dad ends up making an informed decision, finds our all-too-visible shopping cart button and commits to buy. Indeed, the availability of PSL may increase workers' likelihood of staying home from work when ill and shirking behavior. Simply Psychology's content is for informational and educational purposes only. Users know whats important to them; consequently, they will invest in examining a credible designs message. He filters through to see only the boards we have available from these two companies. People who are considering a shampoo via the central route might be particularly conscious of their image or whether there are any artificial ingredients contained within the shampoo. Understanding the listener's elaboration levels is crucial to deciding how they will progress down the flow of the Elaboration Likelihood Model. Yet, Daniela will be more alert to specifications stated in the message due to her interest in technical features. Board interference can zap the motivation of visionary CEOs and increase the likelihood a board-directed strategy will fail, a new research co-athoured by a Duke professor, finds. However, Marta very rarely makes online purchases and is particularly interested in getting value for money. After the better part of an hour of careful sifting, sorting and replaying video snippets, Jack reaches a decision. Specifically, the ELM has determined that when facing a message, people react by using either of two channels (but sometimes a combination of both, too), reflecting the level of effort they need. In general, people are more motivated to elaborate when the message is important to them. Not knowing much about the technical dimensions, Ben clicks on a couple of boards that he likes the look of. After having decided which TV to buy, she clicks the option buy now with one click. No votes so far! Central route to persuasion occurs when a person is persuaded by the content of the message. Check our frequentlyaskedquestions. This depends on the personal motivation, opportunity, or ability that influence the message. The central route is logic driven and uses data and facts to convince people of an arguments worthiness. We are sorry that this post was not useful for you! They did this by proposing two routes of persuasion that the results of previous studies can fall into. The elaboration likelihood theory is a process which describes how a change in attitude begins to form. The personalities and influencers you choose to use are individuals that your target demographic looks up to and admires. Bens board arrives; despite his parents concerns about him having an accident on it, he tries it out and likes it. Again, this depends on a number of factors, such as personal investment in an issue. The level of elaboration subsequently determines the processing route the message takes: central or peripheral. Lets say that Ben, 14, has just moved to a new city and started a new school. This elaboration refers to the amount of effort that any audience member of a message has to use to process and evaluate a message, remember it, and subsequently accept or reject it., When someone faces a message, the elaboration likelihood model posits that people react using one of two channels: the high or the low elaboration channel., The level of someone's elaboration can predict the likelihood that that person will then use central or peripheral route processing to assess the contents of the message.. Hopper, Elizabeth. Marta simply searches for televisions and filters these from high to low ratings. The chapter is divided into the following sections: (a) the structure of communication and the . When Jack clicks to the page showing what we sell, wed show our strongest selling skateboard, allowing Jack to click on it to see it magnified and from multiple angles. Meanwhile, elaboration is more likely to be biased when some threat is associated with adopting one position over another. as the mean outcomes. Reach us at The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM; Petty and Cacioppo, 1986) was . Charlotte Nickerson is a member of the Class of 2024 at Harvard University. No votes so far! Academics have tried to explain how persuasion works on individuals and their behaviour for years, but the authors of ELM were the first to succeed. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'simplypsychology_org-medrectangle-4','ezslot_12',102,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-simplypsychology_org-medrectangle-4-0');Peripheral route processing is an indirect route, which involves a low level of elaboration, and uses peripheral cues to associate positivity with the message (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986). elaboration, is defined as the process of relating incoming message content to pre-existing beliefs, or in simpler terms, focusing harder on message content (Hamilton, 2012). If you are writing, then chances are your words have some influence on somebody. When people are persuaded via central route processing, they have focused on the message's strengths. Daniela processes the information in the product description with specifications via the central route, but uses the star rating as a scale to estimate how like-minded people evaluate the product. This is where the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) comes in. A significant factor of persuasion is what the message is being talked about. Argumenation Theory. The elaboration likelihood model does not exclusively link someone's subjective assessment of the correctness of an attitude toward how many other people seem to have the same opinion. The ability to process a message can be affected by, for instance, noise such as background sounds in a quiet library. Altercasting. To organize the processes and findings presented throughout, we use the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) as a conceptual framework. Examples & Pros/Cons 7:52 Elaboration . Attribution Theory: The Psychology of Interpreting Behavior, Cognitive Dissonance Theory: Definition and Examples, What Is Deindividuation in Psychology? This means that some factor either encourages or inhibits the generation of either favorable or unfavorable thoughts. In this case, persuasion will occur using what the model calls central route processing. 12. Design elements, specifications, and other motivations arent exclusive to a certain route. For example, we might be persuaded to buy a product because a famous or attractive spokesperson is shown using the product. Using central route processing, youll listen carefully to the message and evaluate the pros and cons before making your decision. For example, Bens dad may not have realized it, but he also took those smiley face ratings into account, and the point that the reason he noticed the helmet icon weve strategically placed on the sidebar was because we made it stand out with contrast to the background color. Sometimes we might mostly use Peripheral route processing with a little bit of central route processing. The possibilities to integrate this tool within our IT-landcape and with our other engineering tools is for us a leverage to success. The elaboration likelihood model (ELM) is a theory of persuasion or attitude change that proposes that people can be persuaded in one of two ways. After all, in that case, the second party wouldnt have any say in the matter. There are many competing motives that factor into how objectively people process situations, and people often have more information on one side of an issue than another (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986).. Ben approached our design with a low level of elaboration. This Dual Route Model is also called "ELM". Note that the two routes are not binary options, we can use both at the same time. Source and message factors in persuasion: A reply to Stiff's critique of the elaboration likelihood model. Ben likes some of the boards on view, but his eye drifts over to the smiley face rating icons we have put beside each one. Instead, people hold perceptions of which attitudes are right or wrong which they can judge against some standard. She selects the price to show from low to high. With the peripheral route the focus is more on the context than on the message itself. Join our learning platform and boost your skills with Toolshero. Even if we want to elaborate, it can be difficult if we dont have the ability. To appeal to these people, you decide to create a set of ads and online landing pages highlighting both the unique formula of the shampoo, which makes your hair appear shiny, and its all-natural ingredients. (2020, August 28). To start, persuasion is communication. Describe key theories related to communication, including the persuasion theory, elaboration likelihood model, cognitive dissonance theory, and inoculation theory . It is possible to use both the central route and peripheral route persuasion at the same time. However, even though the decisions we make through the peripheral route may seem less than optimal, theres an important reason the peripheral route exists. Hopper, Elizabeth. This group of users looks more to the appealing secondary factors of a design. The ELM posits that when a persuader presents information to an audience, a level of elaboration results. For instance, as powerful as the message might be, if youve included an image of a celebrity giving an endorsement, the latter is what will catch this users eye more. That is, they are less enduring, because the design has only caught their eyes, as opposed to captivating the users on a more intellectual level. What Is the Recency Effect in Psychology? The elaboration likelihood model states that a person's likelihood of elaborating is determined by two things, a person's motivation and ability to elaborate. These are: If you have a high desire to process the message youre receiving, then your motivation will be high. But if youre rushing to work or trying to load heavy groceries into your car, youre less likely to carefully form an opinion on the petition topic.

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