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egypt police ranks

egypt police ranks

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egypt police ranks

Menna Alaa El-Din, Friday 28 Aug 2015. Please note that some of these recommendations are listed under our old name, Ancient History Encyclopedia. Armed Forces News 23/02/2023 In continuation of the Egyptian Support Egypt Continues to Send Humani. The Tourism and Antiquities Police covering every single spot tourists could go to like sites, museums, hotels, etc. Although the passage has been interpreted to simply mean one should be friendly with the local constable, the last line "no blame accrues to him who does it" has suggested to some scholars that the earlier advice of not making the policeman angry, giving him food, agreeing to his requests, and allowing him into one's home point to the possibility that citizens at this time were paying protection money to local officers. The bikes are provided with two-way radios, strobes and sirens and are generally painted white. Police in Egypt: Torture, repression and bribes within departments and prisons. The ancient Egyptians believed that, if one adhered to this principle, one would live a harmonious existence and, further, be assured of passage to paradise in the next life. The Protest Law, which was issued in November 2013, stipulates that an application for a protest permit must be submitted to the interior ministry three days before holding a demonstration. National Training Academy, The August 2013 Rabaa Square evacuation by police to remove pro-government protesters from sit-ins being held inRabaa Al-Adawiyaand Al-Nahda square in support of PresidentMohamed Morsiresulted in rapidly escalating violence that eventually led to the death of over 800 people, with at least 3,994 injured. What affects the ministry as a whole affects us, the General Secretary of the Lower-ranking Policemen Club, Ahmed Mostafa, told Ahram Online. However, the specialized institute of Tora has been closed down indefinitely since 2012 and no longer accepts applicants. Egypt was preceded - in order - by the United States, Russia . The monarchs of the period had personal guards to protect them and hired others to watch over their tombs and monuments. As head of state, the pharaoh was commander-in-chief of the military and also the police force but, in practice, his vizier was the top official of the judicial system. The Metropolitan Police, due to being the largest police force in the UK has . 2017 budget: $3.5bn. The Police Academy is a modern institution equipped with laboratory and physical-training facilities. Bibliography Mark, Joshua J.. "Police in Ancient Egypt." Mass demonstrations took place for and against President Mohamed Morsi on 30 June 2013, marking the one-year anniversary of Mohamed Morsi's inauguration. Traffic Police vehicles generally also have equipment like speed radars, breath analysers and emergency first aid kits. Its score is 0.5 point higher than last year . Numerous educational institutions recommend us, including Oxford University. Following Nasser's defeat in the June 1967 War, the government, historians note, invented the lower-ranking position (Amin El-Shorta) as a mean of bolstering the police force in order to deal with rising internal unrest. 42 on its third annual Inc. 5000 Regionals: Pacific list, the most prestigious ranking of the fastest-growing private companies in the Pacific region, namely those based in California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and Hawaii. Some states employ the police commissioner system, while others use the traditional directorate system. But when the famous thinker, writer and lawyerMr. Ahmed Lutfi el-Sayedwas appointed as an Interior Minister, stability prevailed the Ministry. Certain police personnel also wear a blue or blackberet. Though West Virginia ranks No. According to one source (, the Egyptian police, "once feared by civilians, are now seen as leftover elements of Mubaraks regime and treated with little respect. Some experts believe that the Sharqiya protests should serve as an alarm for the government. In Egyptian state courts, guilt was assumed and innocence had to be proven beyond doubt. However, members of the low-ranking policemen refuted such speculations. In this encyclopedia you will find thousands illustrations of rank insignias, badges and functional labels. As the third anniversary of Egypt's revolution approaches, key reforms have yet to be implemented. The majority of the ranks that exist today are those that were created by Home Secretary Sir Robert Peel, who founded the Metropolitan Police in 1829. . The City of London police has three different ranks, Commander, Assistant Commissioner, and Commissioner. The sit-in, which lasted two days, saw violent clashes between the low-ranking police officers and the Central Security Forces late on Sunday. Mark, published on 21 July 2017. This is because of increasing congestion in cities where the heavier bikes would prove to be unwieldy when compared to the nimbler handling the newer bikes were capable of. To protect against this, many female protesters wear "layers of light clothing, no buttons, drawstring pants double-knotted". Promotion to the ranks of sergeant, lieutenant and captain are made via competitive civil service examinations. Ahmed Moussa is defaming us on purpose. In 2012, Transparency International revised the methodology used to construct the index to allow for comparison of scores from one year to the next. The Second Intermediate Period of Egypt (c. 1782 - c. 1570 BCE) was another era of weak central government and uneven record keeping. They said to him: "Tell the manner of thy father's going with the men who were with him." Police in Ancient Egypt. Population. As time went on, many Prime Ministers assumed the post of Interior Minister in addition to their Premiership- being among the posts having major control over the internal events. The Democratic Alliance (DA) says it has learnt that the South African Police Service's return to what it calls "Apartheid-era ranks" will be gazetted on April 1, the start of the new government financial year. Ministry of Defense: Phone: 0224144248 - 0224144247: Fax: 0224144248 - 0224144247: Military Media Center: Phone: 0224144248 - 0224144247: Fax: 0224144248 - 0224144247 Graduates receive abachelorof police studies degree and are commissionedfirst lieutenants. The law also criminalises attacks on state or public property or obstructing authorities. An increasing number of urban centers police bicycle units are used to provide a quick response in congested areas, pedestrianized areas and parkland, as well as carrying out patrols. Egyptian police rank insignia are the same as those used by the Egyptian Army. Which is the highest rank in the Egyptian police? We dont currently have a national chapter in your country. CAIRO - 20 January 2022: Egypt ranked first among the most powerful armed forces in the Middle East on the list of PowerIndex (PwrIndx)'s 2022 review. 28 Feb 2023. El-Beheiry says that lower-ranking policemen are the ones moving things' now. The rank insignia of non-commissioned officers and enlisted personnel. They are the ones I saw distinctly. Promotion to the ranks of deputy inspector, inspector and chief are made at the . Armed with wooden staffs, this early police was tasked with guarding public places (markets, temples, parks) and often used dogs and trained monkeys to apprehend criminals. (2017, July 21). Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. Books In one case, a tomb worker, priest, and the watchman responsible for safeguarding the necropolis were all indicted in a robbery and the priest's son was called as a witness to the crime as well as a suspect: The priest, Nesuamon, son of Paybek, was brought in because of his father. In response to a planned July 8 rally protesting the release on bail of police accused of murdering protesters during the revolution, interim interior minister Mansour el-Essawy promised to purge up to 700 corrupt senior police officers. "[3]Police brutalityis credited with being one of the causes of the revolution,[4]and as of June 2011 several police officers are being tried for the killing of "hundreds of demonstrators" during the revolution. The police force also sent some officers abroad for schooling. 12/18/2013. The task of these female police members was to ward off harassment of and violence against women, which are common during holidays and . World History Encyclopedia. Last modified July 21, 2017. Almost all commissioned officers were graduates of the Police Academy at Cairo where police had to complete four years at the academy. Interior Minister's post like other major posts in Egypt- was assumed for a long time by non-Egyptian ministers with no police or security background. Academy syllabuses, teaching and training methods, and staff are . Egypt, with vast swaths of desert in its east and west and the rich Nile River Valley at its heart, is site to one of the world's earliest and . In each of the 27 Governorates of Egypt (sing. In each of the 27Governorates of Egypt(sing. Enlisted police ranks includemaster sergeant,sergeant,corporal, andprivate. The police ranks of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force shall be governed by the provisions of Article 32 of the Regulations on the Military Ranks of Officers of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Tahseen Rushdi Bashi was the first person to hold the title of Interior Minister in Egypt. [citation needed], The Tourism and Antiquities Police cover tourist destinations like historical sites, museums, hotels, etc. Unlike in many other countries, the Egyptian police extensively use SUVs. The institute of Tora, however, is still open for the mandatory training of lower-ranking policemen who, for example, aim to be promoted to the rank of first lieutenant. The conventional hierarchy of the . There are a number of instances in which the accused is beaten with the rod and maintains innocence, refusing to give a confession; in such cases, the person is set free. World History Encyclopedia. Training generally lasted for six months . There were different types of police units who were given specific responsibilities and duties. Enlisted police ranks include master sergeant, sergeant, corporal, and private. Back to Egypt EGYPT 2021. BOISE, Idaho Pennsylvania police and the FBI seized a dozen items from the home of Bryan Kohberger's parents in eastern Pennsylvania, including black clothing and his size 13 Nike shoes, and also took a DNA swab of the Idaho homicide suspect's mouth, according to an unsealed search warrant released Tuesday and obtained by The Idaho Statesman. Our publication has been reviewed for educational use by Common Sense Education, Internet Scout (University of Wisconsin), Merlot (California State University), OER Commons and the School Library Journal. The best-known example of this is the difficulties of the government in paying the tomb workers of the village of Deir el-Medina in c. 1157 BCE which resulted in the first known labor strike in history. . The country is in dire need of the reform of the interior ministry especially with the presence of corruption in such a faction, El-Beheiry said. To add to tens of officers and lower-ranking officers and conscripts killed by Islamist militants in the last two years, three lower-ranking policemen were killed in a blast in the Nile Delta's Beheira on Monday. Also included are: political orientation, public relations, and military subjects (such as infantry and cavalry training), marksmanship, leadership, and field exercises. Color schemes of police vehicles vary according to their location and which directorate they belong to. The police, in general, were responsible for enforcing both state and local laws, but there were special units, trained as priests, whose job was to enforce temple law and protocol. In the year 1958 the crown was replaced by the Eagle of Saladin (also known as "The Egyptian Eagle"; "Ancient Egyptian Eagle", and is the new coat of arms) and formal-Arabic language ranks. It also included a respect for the natural world and the animals which inhabited it and a reverence for the unseen world of the spirits and the gods. Personnel Affairs was responsible for police-training institutions, personnel matters for police and civilian employees, and the Policemen's Sports Association. The Police Rank Structure is standardised throughout the UK, with only a slight variation in the senior ranks, which can be found in the Metropolitan and City of London Police. In the Egypt of President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi, a military general turned authoritarian despot under whose rule enforced disappearances, detention without trial, police torture (including against . Powered By Nanjing Angela Accessories Co.,Ltd. Deputy police minister Fikile Mbalula late last year . According to one source, Egypt had thirty-four separate police forces as of 1986. All of the commissioned officers were graduates of the Police Academy at Cairo where after high school, they had to complete four years at the academy, or after College degree, completing a period of 12 to 18 months. SUVs are known for their capabilities to move around in any sort of terrain. See the State Department's travel website for the Worldwide Caution and Travel Advisories. Thank you! However protesters complained that five months after the revolution where almost 1000 people were killed, only one officer has been convicted of wrongdoing and he has not yet been incarcerated. The annual review of Global Firepower ranked Egypt's military strength 13th globally for the year 2021 out of 139 "countries considered" compared to ninth out of 138 states in 2020. The labor strike of c. 1157 BCE by the tomb workers of Deir el-Medina was a completely unprecedented event in Egyptian history and pointed to the failure of the government, especially the pharaoh, to maintain ma'at in caring for the people. We are against such strikes because it leads to public anger. We want to be able to live a sustainable life, Abdel-Shafy told Ahram Online. Some of the Nubians, however, sold their services to the princes of Thebes as mercenaries in their army and as guardians for trade expeditions. Note that a literal . The rating Egypt received is 0.2216 - with 0.0000 considered 'perfect' - against 0.1872 last year. World History Encyclopedia is a non-profit organization. These laws would have been nothing more than further suggestions, however, if the authorities had no way to enforce them and so the occupation of policeman was created. (Lewis, 260). The police, along with the military, had made it clear that they were with anti-government protestors by carrying out a coup d'tat on 3 July. This country profile was migrated from the legacy system and the new text is under consideration of the respective government authorities. Active personnel: 195,000. In 1967, late President Gamal Abdel-Nasser established a specialised institute to recruit and train lower-ranking policemen. Administrative and Financial Affairs responsible for general administration, budgets, supplies, and legal matters. Give him food from your house, By the time of the 5th Dynasty, toward the end of the Old Kingdom, this model began to change with kings and nobles choosing their guards from among the military and ex-military as well as from foreign nations, such as the Nubian Medjay warriors. Ranks. Citizens mobilized against the Hosni Mubarak regime's repressive Interior Ministry and its police force en . The nation holds a PwrIndx* score of 0.2224 (a score of 0.0000 is considered 'perfect'). The police force and judicial system were still operating but exactly how closely they were aligned with the earlier understanding of ma'at is dubious. Color schemes of police vehicles vary according to their location and which directorate they belong to. Egyptian law enforcement police officers generally carry either the M&P357, CZ 75B or Glock pistol when on regular duty, however, heavy arms are always available at police stations. Adhering to ma'at simply meant living a balanced life with respect for one's self, one's family, immediate community, and the greater good of one's society. Say to him: "Welcome, welcome here." Personnel Affairs was responsible for police-training institutions, personnel matters for police and civilian employees, and the Policemen's Sports Association. Authorities targeted human rights defenders, opposition politicians and other activists through unlawful summons, coercive questioning, extrajudicial probation measures, criminal investigations, unfair prosecutions and inclusion on a "list of terrorists". Both the governor and the director of police report to the Ministry of Interior on all security matters. Spend, spend, spend. On Monday night, Moussa said that salaries for lower-ranking police officers range from 5000 EGP ($510 USD) to 7000 pounds ($894). World History Publishing is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. The regulations concerning sex, behavior, and attitude during and before all religious ceremonies demanded a certain vigilance and the temples kept their own people available to insure order and a harmonious spirit. [citation needed]. In the early Twentieth Century, the holder of the post of Interior Minister was called: "The Interior Superintendent". The Middle Kingdom of Egypt (2040-1782 BCE) saw the creation of the first standing army under the reign of Amenemhat I (c. 1991-1962 BCE) of the 12th Dynasty. When republishing on the web a hyperlink back to the original content source URL must be included. Egypt crime rate & statistics for 2009 was 1.12, a 7.43% decline from 2008. Egypt Military Strength. [2] Kristen McTighe, Cairo. Hierarchy Of Police Ranks. After death, one's heart would we weighed in the balance against the white feather of ma'at, and if found heavier through selfish behavior, one's soul was denied paradise and would cease to exist. According to one source (, the Egyptian police, "once feared by civilians, are now seen as leftover elements of Mubarak's regime and treated with little respect. ; DGP is appointed by the Cabinet from the Indian Police Service and they hold a three-star rank. The correct answer is Director General of Police.. Key Points. Some police officers, especially the special operations officers, are well trained by the Egyptian Armed Forces in Al-Sa'ka Military School. Egypt crime rate & statistics for 2012 was 2.55, a 20.14% decline from 2011. During the 21st Dynasty, founded by the nomarch Smendes (c. 1077-1051 BCE), police corruption by way of taking bribes to look the other way and even extortion of citizens by police officers appears common practice. E. gyptians have been fighting their repressive police state for over a century.. Modern Egyptian history is littered with revolts against it. According to a 1953 journalistic interview with Second Lieutenant Qasema Ahmed and First Lieutenant Atteyat Mohamed Khalil, two of the first women to join the ranks of Egyptian police, both stories take place from mid-to late 40s, in monarchical Egypt, through to the 1950s, the early days of the republic. An Egyptian Lower-ranking policemen secure Egypts national police academy during trial of leaders of banned-Brotherhood in 2015. Nesuamon's claim that he was "only a little child" should not be interpreted to mean he was young in years; he was only claiming that he was innocent of participating in the theft and knew nothing of how it was carried out. Cairo police in 1911, Salah Zulfikar in 1952.jpg However, this evolution is more likely . He tended to dismiss persons who opposed his ideas and began to employ and promote those who struggled with him. On Saturday, the lower-ranking police officers held a sit-in at Sharqiyas security directorate, calling for financial and social benefits. Commissioned police ranks resemble those of the Egyptian Army. The monkey is restraining the thief by the leg as the officer approaches to arrest him. The police became increasingly motorized and it is now rare to see an officer on foot patrol except in city or town centers, and then rarely alone. Enlisted police ranks include master sergeant, sergeant, corporal, and private. Sign up for our free weekly email newsletter! The Egyptian produced Jeep vehicle used to be the most common police car in Egypt but in recent years, other similar vehicles have also come into police use. The recently-enacted Terrorism Law lays down an array of terror crimes which are punishable by lengthy prison terms, including the use of force, threatening or terrorising individuals, "disturbing public order," and "undermining national unity, social peace, and national security." TheMinistry of Interiordivides the functions of the police and public security among four Deputy Ministers of Interior while the Minister of Interior himself retained responsibility forstate security(Qitaa' al-amn al-watani),[2]investigations and overall organization. He was examined by beating with the rod. Dogs were used primarily in the same way, for apprehension, but also served in their familiar capacity as guardians. . "The police are at the service of the people" is the slogan of the Interior Ministry. Court documents regularly specify use of the bastinade to beat prisoners on the palms of their hands and soles of their feet in order to exact a confession. Room 504, Building 02, No. Hatem was a lower policeman who collected bribes and was feared and despised by every citizen in the neighbourhood. They were able to secure higher wages and forced the government to eliminate the ministry's use of martial courts to punish wrongdoing. Bedouins were often employed to police the borders and assist in protecting trade caravans while Egyptian guards served in more domestic spheres. Please support World History Encyclopedia. Protests have a negative impact on the public and the state. Egypt's economic freedom score is 49.6, making its economy the 151st freest in the 2023 Index. Pulled off the streets after violently cracking down on protests in January, they are now trying to reshape their role in the post-Mubarak Egypt. The highest-ranking Egyptian police officer is a Lieutenant General and officer ranks descend only to first lieutenant. In several appearances since the sit-in started, TV presenter Ahmed Moussa, known for his staunch support for Egyptian police, published images of lower-policemen spokesperson Mansour Abu Gabal with the late leading Muslim Brotherhood figure Farid Ismail, claiming that the outlawed-Brotherhood was behind the protests. Almost all the states have similar police department ranks. In India, the Director-General of Police (DGP) is the highest-ranking police officer in an Indian State or Union Territory.. DGP typically heads the state or UT police force, who in case, are also called State Police Chief. Some states implement the Commissionarate system of policing in their cities which differs from the IG policing systems in terms of executive powers and jurisdiction. Among the most common crimes, especially toward the latter part of the New Kingdom, was tomb robbing and court documents from this time (c. 1100 - c. 1069 BCE) make clear that this problem was of almost epidemic proportions. Do not make him angry with you. The police, along with the military, had made it clear that they were with anti-government demonstrations. As a consequence, some political posts and titles were changed and the "superintendent" was among the titles included; it was changed to a Minister. Last edited on 14 February 2023, at 01:44, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, The Mahmal which Conveyed the Holy Carpet to Mecca Surrounded by Cairo Police. The protesting policemen are demanding to be paid late bonuses for the months of June and July, a Suez Canal bonus similar to that recently awarded by the government to army personnel, a 100% raise in the risk allowance, a raise in pensions, and access to treatment in police hospitals reserved for higher-ranking police officers. The Police Academy offers a four-year program which includes: security administration, criminal investigation, military drills, civil defense, fire fighting, forensic medicine, communications, cryptology, first aid, sociology, anatomy, and foreign languages (French and English). My life is in danger. Central Security Force riot police, Police Major Samaw'al Mohamed Abu Sehla.jpg. This is our ministry, this is our home. Submitted by Joshua J. World History Encyclopedia, 21 Jul 2017. Egyptian police uniforms are similar to the Egyptian Army's service uniform for the ground forces, which is khaki drill cotton. For only $5 per month you can become a member and support our mission to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. SUVs are known for their capabilities to move around in any sort of terrain. Egypt National Police was responsible for maintaining law and order, preventing and detecting crime, supporting the court system through the collection of evidence, and other police duties, including processing passports, screening immigrants, operating prisons, controlling traffic, guarding special events and celebrities, suppressing smuggling . If one were wealthy enough, one could easily bribe this panel and walk free. The academy's three-month course for enlisted personnel is conducted in a military atmosphere but emphasizes police methods and techniques. Previously, court cases were heard by a panel of scribes and priests who would weigh the evidence and consult with each other and their god. In ancient Egypt, the underlying form of the law which modified behavior was the central value of the entire culture: ma'at, (harmony and balance). According to government statistics, 90 police stations have been burnt since the start of the revolution. On being further examined with a rod, he said, "These three men are the ones I saw distinctly." Of late, the various police forces are on a modernisation drive, upgrading and revamping their fleet with new vehicles. We contribute a share of our revenue to remove carbon from the atmosphere and we offset our team's carbon footprint. Inflation (CPI): 4.5%. Lower-ranking policemen believe that the media is trying to defame their image in front of the public. Ive been receiving death threats and calls telling me to stop what Im doing immediately, Abu Gabal told Ahram Online. We want social justice. The creation of judges led to the development of courts which required bailiffs, court scribes, court police, detectives, and interrogators. Cairo was rocked by four explosions that killed at least six people and injured 80, and severely damaged artefacts inside a major Egyptian museum. The highest-ranking Egyptian police officer is a Lieutenant General and officer ranks descend only to first lieutenant. Save as Image. The Egyptian military ranks were changed after the revolution of 1952 and the fall of the monarchy. Let us see in detail about the Indian Police ranks. There was no standing army in Egypt at this time, and so these men were also posted as sentries at forts along the border, guarded the royal tombs, and served as personal bodyguards and protectors for traders on expeditions to other lands. Egypt still struggles with some of the factors that gave . Currently, it is a must that the Interior Minister be a descendant of Egyptian parents and a graduate of Police College. However protesters complained that five months after the revolution where almost 1000 people were killed, only one officer has been convicted of wrongdoing and he has not yet been incarcerated.[4]. This entry last reviewed on 01/05/2023. The early Ptolemaic pharaohs certainly did their best to revive ma'at and bring back the grandeur of Egypt's past but this initiative was not a priority for successive kings. The lower ranking policemen, referred to in Arabic as Omanaa El-Shorta (plural) and Amin El-Shorta (singular), fired warning shots into the air after the polices Central Security Forces (CSF) tried to disperse their sit-in by tear-gassing them. Over 8,000 screened in 1st 3 days of pre-marriage medical tests initiative in.. China says it's been 'open and transparent' on COVID origins, Libya parliament slams 'errors' in UN envoy's report, Tennis: Injured Nadal out of Indian Wells Masters, Sadat family files urgent statement in parliament as late presidents passport sold overseas, Egyptian delegation heads to Geneva to review periodic human rights report, President Sisi greets Saudi Arabia on Founding Day, Egypt's parliament approves six-month extension of law allowing expats to import tax-free vehicles, Egypt's parliament extends law allowing expats to import tax-free vehicles, Sisi assures public that strategic goods are available despite hard economic conditions, World Youth Forum cancels 5th edition events, redirects budget to development projects, Egypts former PM Sherif Ismail passes away at age 67. There are currently about 300,000 lower-ranking policemen in the police force. [5], Mass demonstrations took place for and against former elect PresidentMorsion 30 June 2013, marking the one-year anniversary of Mohamed Morsi's inauguration. In the last four years since Mubarak's ousting, the government has achieved relative success in rehabilitating the police force in popular eyes, especially as policemen joined the July 2013 popular demonstrations, which led to the ouster of the Muslim Brotherhood regime. When Ahmose I (c. 1570-1544 BCE) drove the Hyksos from Egypt, he employed these mercenaries in his army and afterwards, once order was restored, they formed the core of the professional police force of Egypt. 2022 Score. Commissioned police ranks resemble those of the Egyptian Army. CPI 2022 for Middle East & North Africa: Corruption fuels ongoing conflict, CPI 2021 for Middle East & North Africa: Systemic corruption endangers democracy and human rights, IMF COVID-19 emergency loans: A view from four countries, Asset declarations in Egypt: illicit enrichment and conflicts on interest of public officials, Lost billions: recovering public money in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Yemen, PEOPLE AND CORRUPTION: MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA SURVEY 2016, Egypt: European Unions lift of Hosni Mubarak sanctions signals impunity for those accused of corruption, IMF: Scant transparency for COVID-19 emergency loans. Police has three different ranks, Commander, Assistant Commissioner, and the state Department & # x27 ; against!, Russia 30 June 2013, marking the one-year anniversary of Mohamed Morsi 's inauguration way. Is a non-profit company registered in the same as those used by the United Kingdom all. 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egypt police ranks

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