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names of pilots shot down in vietnam

names of pilots shot down in vietnam

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names of pilots shot down in vietnam

If the MiGs didnt come up, he couldnt have a chance to shoot one down. SP4 John C. Hughes [G] 1 injured. This wingman survived the incompetence of an unqualified flight leader. "Kos" and "Daily Kos" are registered trademarks of Kos Media, LLC. Better than snakes or drowning in contaminated water, I thought briefly, before I was elevated again and dropped again. I taught math, physics, automotive theory and practice, and classical music in the Hanoi Hilton. Phew! Dulles International Needs a name change. Vietnam will eventually strive throughout S.E. u-6 losses need added all are army fixed wing aircraft, 5,195+ (which include not in addition to the above statistics)[2], North Vietnam captured 877 South Vietnamese aircraft at war's end. I was asked the same questions over and over in an attempt to trip me up. I will be forever grateful to all who flew and supported LBII and to President Richard M. Nixon for having the fortitude to send the mighty BUFFs north. Summer-67- Lost an engine to one but miraculously survived blast suffocation and stupidly re-started the J-79 after safely- feet wet. I expect Patrick Walker and his ilk were those that fled the USA because they were chicken. Had it not been for President Nixon and the sheer courage of the B-52 and tactical aircrews, the POWs would never have returned. AIRCRAFT SHOT DOWN DURING THE VIETNAM WAR BY USN/USMC PILOTS. GlobalSecurity, South Viet Nam Air Force VNAF Aircraft Deliveries. Thanks for the details of this mission. Some data to the soviets in Korea: The 324.IAD (Fighterdivision) 6738 missions. At 2,500 ft. I lost mine 5 years before I was released. MiG-21 Units of the Vietnam War. The 1850 John Stuart Mill quote and your comment that you posted above is powerful and right on. He did what he had to do, did what he was asked to do by his country. Steve Snyder's masterful book, Shot Down, does justice to the adventures of his father, pilot Howard Snyder, and the crew of the B-17 plane Susan Ruth. They were deeply felt. The Thud flights were all calling Outbound for WX but our FLs OER was going to be written by the guy on MiG CAP so in we went and we took a SAM from dead six with no RHAW gear. Lockhart is still alive, although. Black Hills just changed So. And I also thank you for taking the time to write down your harrowing and amazing experience in war. Thank you, Joe. [9] Another source claims that the U.S. attributed losses to surface-to-air missiles and anti-aircraft fire because it was considered "less embarrassing". I looked back to my right. The bomb release button was now hot! In closing, I assert that Joe did not have the option you recommend. And they did so with knives having little concept or knowledge of zippers, snaps or the technical difficulties associated with releasing parachute risers. Scotty then took control of the airplane as we proceeded to follow our leader along the preplanned route. The author, during training on the F-4 Phantom. I just received some additional email comments on my article and browsed through the older ones and saw yours. Gary, this was like Vietnam all over again!. I always enjoyed flying with you and sharing a beverage. Of all those doing their best to inflict bodily harm on me, the old women were the worst. John Stuart Mill If none of the strike flights entered the target area, the MiGs wouldnt come up. To those who try to insert politics, I agree that it is in extremely poor taste to try to make this such a venue. My arms were tied behind my back with the elbows laced tightly together. Only loss: 606058, destroyed on the ground during a VC attack on Tan Son Nhut, SVN on 14 June 1968. I was in the tower in Saigon and F-4s would come pouring in. And the plane that carried them, a commercial jet . I narrowly missed out on entering the AF Aviation Cadet Program in 1960, and after reading of your experience, Im not so sure that it wasnt a blessing in disguise. records. Scotty gave the Phantom back to me and then it was my turn. I am grateful to him for that, beyond measure. After licking their wounds, North Vietnamese pilots again began challenging American aviators in late April, but as the fighting intensified in May, it became apparent that they would not succeed. I live on Easy Street. Every living Veteran will no doubt support such. Since we were shot down well before reaching our target and also because most of the strike flights had declined to enter the target area due to decidedly unfavorable weather, my story had to deny the Vietnamese any foreknowledge of the real target. Not that northern Laos is a very hospitable place to be, but it would give you a better chance for a rescue by an Air Force chopper. He wasnt much of a story teller and I didnt think to ask him about his service until after he died. I was an aircraft mechanic serving at Clark Air Base in 1969-70 and then later at NKP in Thailand in 1973-74. Joined up and reported a suspected Truck Park near Finger Lakes since we had avoided calling in to Ask Permission and wait the usual half hour to allow the Russian Radar trainers time to get out courtesy of our GD State Dept. I would not change a thing; glad I was able to serve. God Bless you F-4 drivers! Cmon man, show some class! This farmer pilot is Nguyn Vn By who died on Sept. 21, 2019 at the age of 83. I recommend . Of those servicepeople, 2,382 were killed while serving aboard UH-1 Iroquois, better known as the ubiquitous "Huey." Contents [ hide] Im sorry that you had to suffer so much but you had no business what so for ever being there. The political strategy of Rolling Thunder was absurd from the git-go. Im sorry for the ignorant and ungrateful ones who are so foolish and disrespectful to you on this thread. Well written as you brought each of us along with you in the cockpit as your descriptives of that entire mission were intense. So that the pilot does not have to be utilizing his attitude indicator for this, the canopy rails happen to be canted downward at just the correct angle making it possible to perform the takeoff maneuver using purely visual references, e.g. I reported I wasnt sure which (if any) was his. A natural reaction. North Vietnam lost 150 170 aircraft and helicopters. Joe. Gary was the very first USAFE F-105D pilot to land at Bitburg in May 1961 and the very last F-105D pilot to . Hull blown-up. The flight call sign was Dogwood and we were number 2. In early April, combat flight operations began from detachments at Binh Thuy and Vung Tau. Thank you for your bravery and endurance. Secondly, everybody else all the other strike flights, 15 of them, one after the other were calling, Outbound for weather meaning the target area was socked in and it would be just plain stupid to drop into the clouds where it would be hard to locate the target and easy to get nailed by a SAM (Surface-to-Air Missile). Dak Harney Peak who did far less than Dulles. Scotty hadnt regained consciousness. Between January and July, U.S. Air Force fighters flying air-to-air missions shot down 29 MiGs while losing just two of their owna 14.5-1 kill ratio. I am proud to call Joe a friend and to have been a colleague of his at FTL and FedEx. During this relatively minor ordeal, I asked permission of my guard, using sign language, for permission to relieve my bladder. Im horrified to know how divided our country was in the late 60s/early 70s, and people like you did your duty, for all of us. There were too many A-holes with rank putting the rest of us at risk up there especially RP VI. My gratitude to those of you who gave so much. I was bagged because MY O-6 DO was on MiG CAP calling the flights in despite bad WX. Of course, things were beginning to wind down in Viet Nam by this time, but it was still mega impressive to see the F-4s light em up and blast off the runway like angry rocket-powered birds of prey searching for their next meal! My ungraceful arrival didnt raise much dust. While I was thinking how dumb a question that was, Scotty asked me an entirely different one over the intercom: To me, this is a refreshing change of phraseology, demonstrating a far greater sense of situational awareness. Top rudder pedal, however, broke us out at about 5 grand. May God continue to bless you, Joe. Thanks for the story, Joe. My draft number was 27. Jeffrey Ethell and Alfred Price wrote a great book about this day called "One Day in a Long War, May 10, 1972, Air War, North Vietnam" that describes in detail events of that day. First Loss: CA-27 Sabre Mk 32 A94-984; 24 September 1964, crashed 28nautical miles west of. I dont know if they ever found the horse. First loss: EC-121R 67-24193 (554th Reconnaissance Squadron, 553d RW) crashed 25 April 1969 on take-off in a thunderstorm from. Ed McGaa, Marine F4s, Chu Lai Mostly CAS. Then, I was pushed face down to the floor and blindfolded. During the Vietnam War, thousands of U.S. aircraft were lost to antiaircraft artillery (AAA), surface-to-air missiles (SAMs), and fighter interceptors (MiG)s. The great majority of U.S. combat losses in all areas of Southeast Asia were to AAA. We did not know if anyone survived! List of aircraft losses of the Vietnam War, Dark Eagles: A History of the Top Secret U.S. Aircraft (1999). Since 366thTFW maintenance was overtaxed having to do all of its around-the-clock 24/7 functions, the flight leader had to turn down two airplanes before he found one that was combat ready and airworthy. A story that is the most gripping, truly horrifying and of sacrifices. Names. This page was last edited on 13 January 2023, at 11:53. By the time of the American involvement in Southeast Asia communism, by moderate estimates, around the globe had murdered 110 million people! The pilot Lieutenant Commander John S. McCain III, successfully ejected and was made Prisoner of War. God Bless all who serve. October 26, 1967: A-4E Skyhawk BuNo. You who kept the supplies coming to us were a vital part of the war effort. 64 to 69. [23] 2 Mi-4, 5 An-2, 5 Il-14, 1 MiG-15UTI, 1 Il-28, 1 L-29, 1 Lisunov Li-2 lost through all causes[24] Total: 159 aircraft and 2 helicopter lost. Pilot Clyde Romero, 19, rests between flights at Khe Sanh in February 1971. The baro switch was supposed to open my chute at 10,000 ft. You and Scotty are my heroes. Im an alumnus of the 480th TFS myself ( USAFE, 78-80) and wish you all the best . 28 NOV 67. Announcing the 2023 Richard Collins Writing Prize for Young Pilots, Flying in paradise: a vacation flight lesson in Maui, Accident report: losing control at 43,000 feet. I was falling towards the Earth and still attached to my Martin-Baker (made in England) ejection seat below a four-foot drogue chute to stabilize my rapid descent. God Bless you, Joe. Both Aircrew members ejected and were rescued; 155394 was shot down on 29 October 1971. Final loss: EB-66B 42nd TEWS, 388th TFS lost to engine failure on 23 December 1972 during Operation Linebacker II. At the very least, he had just been knocked out. I am a UK resident but love all things aviation even the painful experiences suffered by many presented here by Joe also on behalf of Scotty. Just a wild guess but you just enjoy your freedoms while you let others do the fighting and take the risks. Joe, thanks for sharing and honoring Scotty. AIRCRAFT SHOT DOWN DURING THE VIETNAM WAR BY USN/USMC PILOTSContinued Enemy Date Aircraft Squardon Aircraft Weapon Carrier Rank Service Pilot RANK AND NAME OF RIO/NFO 10 Aug 1967 MiG-21 VF-142 F-4B AIM-9 CVA 64 USN LCDR Robert C.Davis LCDR Gayle O.Elie 26 Oct 1967 MiG-21 VF-143 F-4B AIM-7 CVA 64 USN LTJG Robert P. Hickey, Jr. LTJG Jeremy G.Morris Phew III! My father was at Danang in 67/68. Takeoff in a heavily-loaded Phantom requires some explanation. Suddenly, I was lifted from the floor. 1st Lieutenant Scotty Wilson, the best stick in [the squadron].. If I could have understood Vietnamese I would probably have heard them saying, Hey, look at the hero American fighter pilot taking a leak.. Joe, First loss: C-141A 65-9407 (62d Military Airlift Wing) destroyed in a night runway collision with a USMC A-6 at, Final loss: C-141A 66-0127 (4th Military Airlift Squadron, 62d MAW) crashed soon after take-off from, First loss: RB-66B 53-0452 (Det 1, 41st Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron, 6250th Combat Support Group) which crashed 2223 October 1965 west of. Pilots would be hollering for this and for thatand there was NOTHING I could do. Had three square meals a day. This room was known, unaffectionately, by all who suffered there as the room with the green, bumpy walls. Seated on a small, wooden stool, the interrogation began in the usual way with, Name, rank, serial number and date of birth. When I refused to reply to any further questions except by repeating my name, rank, serial number and date of birth, my interrogating officer, in a most sinister way, and in a very convincing manner said, Crecca, you will die in Vietnam. In a matter of minutes I was bound with ropes. Subconsciously I probably realized I was sitting alone in the back seat of a burning airplane. by propeller-driven A-1 Skyraiders of Attack Squadron 25 (VA-25). God bless. According to what looks like a reasonably well-sourced page on Wikipedia, a total of 3,032 aircraft were lost to hostile action during the Vietnam War (the actual total was considerably higher, as these numbers don't include Army rotary-wing aircraft), which means at least that many pilots were shot down (yes, some were shot down more than once, but they are way more than offset by the many aircraft that had two pilots). Its a tough story to take. Again- Bless you & Scotty! Thanks for your service, Sir. Defense Department officials say 1st Lt. Carl D. Nesbitt died when his plane was shot down in May . The only USAF officers who could rise to strategic ranks were from Strategic Air Command (nuke bombers) and a very few from Air Defense Command. Meadows But I dont think they fixed it right. Besides your contributions in F-4s, your time supporting other unfortunates in Hanoi does you honor. In the solitude of my tiny enclosure, staring unfocused at the floor, I said aloud, Todays the day, thinking this was the last day of my life. Kos Media, LLC. But the effort proved futile. On May 10, 1972, the USAF and Navy shot down 11 North Vietnam MiGs in the skies over North Vietnam at a cost of two USAF and two Navy F-4s shot down. The cockpit pressure vessel was intact; incredibly, it had not been penetrated despite a direct hit by a Soviet SA-2 missile traveling at over Mach 2 with a 400 lb., high-explosive warhead! VS-41 at NAS North Island retained four of the borrowed Broncos to be used for training replacement pilots and maintenance personnel. So why were we going in anyway? Final combat loss (also last USN combat loss of war): F-4J 155768 (VF-143, First VAL-4 loss: 155490 was shot down the night of 12 July 1969. At this moment, I felt a great calm envelope me. I was at a loss for words. Blows were raining all over my body including my head, thankfully still protected by my helmet. Galand himself would be shot down two months later. I have four children- ages 34, 30, 11 and 8 and am Grandma to 3 ages 8, 8 & 5. May God bless you, your family and all our vets. me 500s. Although I was only a few thousand feet away, I hadnt been able to hear the explosion. We attended the Colonels memorial service one week ago today. Joe Crecca was a USAF F-4C Phantom pilot who served during the Vietnam War and was shot down by a Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) while on a deep strike to a target very near the capitol city of Hanoi on November 22, 1966. Section leader had one Dud flash by just as we started to Split S from Control Warning. As I learned about him, I remember more of him lecturing rather than delivering the news. Btw, Uncle Walter was an anti-American, extreme lefty. Mr. Creccas response (farther below) displays considerably more class than that displayed by b fearn in this particular instance. There will always be those who dont get it. If I failed to keep this from them, they would reposition their anti-aircraft batteries and SAMs to make the target a flak trap, making this JCS target even more formidable than before. How do you look in the mirror? You were a great morale boost when we needed it the most. of high-explosive surrounded by a thousand 1-inch diameter stainless steel balls inside the 6-foot long nose cone. It is only individuals such as yourself with great writing skills and sound memory who can bring aviation exploits in Nam to light. It was less than a minute before I would be on the ground. But, I knew the SA-2 was a powerful weapon; 400 lbs. So what was The D.O.s name? During the Vietnam War Monika Schwinn, a German nurse, was held captive for three and a half years - at one time the only woman prisoner at the "Hanoi Hilton".The following missionaries were POWs: Evelyn Anderson, captured and later burned to death in Kengkok, Laos, 1972.She is still listed as POW. 4 of the combat losses were parked aircraft. Joe, Every Friday Im privileged to have lunch with a WWII veteran who flew virtually every airplane in the arsenal of the time. A-1E (S/N 52-132649) was flown by Maj. Bernard Fisher on March 10, 1966, when he rescued a fellow pilot shot down over South Vietnam. 8081, Air War Vietnam Plans and Operations 19691975. 1972 November 22 First B-52 shot down over North Vietnam The United States loses its first B-52 of the war. They did so at enormous hardship and cost to themselves and to their families. Its Memorial Day, 2020. Rescued Misty Pilots . I finally got him to talk and he said, Gary, it was just like Vietnam. Your writing is superb and I wonder if you have considered writing a book about your experience in the USAF. Charles Barbin DeBellevue successfully shot down a North Vietnamese-flown Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 from their McDonnell Douglas F-4D Phantom II. Number two is getting the shit shot out of him screaming on 272.7 and too late lead lights ABs as #2 blows up. Our own Phantom was suffering from a variety of ills. Just read this story about your mission over North Vietnam. I served, served proudly, and shelter no regrets. Life saver: Severely damaged in combat, this Douglas A-1E was flown by Maj. Bernard Fisher on March 10, 1966, when he rescued a fellow pilot shot down over South Vietnam. Wed had it. In fact, there is no way you may be honored equal to what you gave. Day after day intel would ask us to listen up for Buick 4, or Chevy 4, or whoever Number 4 who had been shot down while lead worked on getting his Mig. Thank You Sir for your service and sacrifice you gave to our Country! 83rd Arty 101ABN DIVARTY I do not think that you are a hero.I also feel that the people that sent you to that war are the ones that should have paid the price. Amazing story Mr.Crecca, I for one, am glad you are still here among us mere mortals, thank you for sharing your daunting experience, you sure went through hell for 6 years and yet had the courage to ask Nixon for another F-4 As for John Kerry, anti-war activist, it is hard for me to think of him as a Vietnam Veteran in any sense of the term. A minute or two after takeoff we had cold air blasting through the cockpits. The direct hit had felt like wed had a collision with a fully-loaded cement truck. Bent the F-4 around after re-start and headed to his radial fix off Hue Tacan. How many MiG-21 shot down in Vietnam? Dickens rescued) And I mourn their deaths. Despite being a first lieutenant, Scotty Wilson was in my opinion, the best stick in the 480thTactical Fighter Squadron. Hi, Joe. There's an old Air Force saying that you should never bail out over an area you just bombed. At 0600, I awoke to the annoying buzzer of my Telechron alarm clock. Flights were around four hours. Hope you sre enjoying the golden years. Source for F-4 losses is Phantom with U.S. Marine Corps (Joe Baugher), others are unsourced, Production of a total of 380 Mohawks ended in December 1970. I looked for an escape route. Tried to cross-service in 64 or 65 to Army for WO pilot program, but because I was already in the military (being in a critical COMSEC AFSC probably didnt help), I was offered no guarantee of flight training, so I withdrew the request otherwise, I may have been one of your grateful students, or still buried in some shallow grave. I looked around me to see hundreds of people, mostly villagers, including old folks and children. Here is how I replied to another anti-war zealot two years ago, 2/17/2017 in the AFJ Comments section: War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. So glad that you made it back in one piece, and were able to continue flying. If you think I should not be called a hero, tell them, not me. By 1973, when we were released, theyd given us enough to eat so that I was back up to 155. I last read he is in the state of Washington. Yeh, the F-4s wings dont come off even from a SAM induced Spin. You certainly are my Hero! Ive yet to talk to anybody who thought that conflict was run even remotely competently, many still angry over what happened to them. what would the world be like if we never had stories like this told to us, i shudder to think. The lone horse jumped the fence and hadnt been seen. Reeder is being held behind the middle window. Following the release of all the POWs we met President Nixon at the State Department in May, 1973. 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names of pilots shot down in vietnam

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