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rehab acronym fema

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rehab acronym fema

IST Incident Support Team SHARES Shared Resources (NCS high frequency radio network) PNE Peaceful Nuclear Explosion SPIRIT Security, Planning, and Integrated Resources for Information Technology 2) American Automobile Association SWG Security Working Group NFIRS National Fire Incident Reporting System CVP Citizenship Verification Procedures 2) Society for Risk Analysis NCDDM National Center for Disaster Decision Making Previous 1-2 years Emergency Room Technician/EMT or equivalent experience preferred Knowledge of medical terminology, abbreviations and hospital procedures preferred Knowledge/Skills/Abilities CASE Computer-Aided Software Engineering NPS National Park Service MPE Maximum Permissible Exposure RTS Regional Transit System EJ Environmental Justice Your IP: DHS Department of Homeland Security [ESF-13] 2) Infrastructure Sector Advisory Committee 2) Forms Tracking System PEOC President's Emergency Operations Center TTY Teletypewriter FSA 1) Farm Service Agency COBOL Common Business-Oriented Language 2) Chief of Party OMS Operations Management Systems This course is a prerequisite for E-0279 . 2) Riparian Conservation Area 2) Office of Emergency Preparedness UMDA UMatilla Depot Activity 2) Operations Support Division LERT Logistics Emergency Response Team TBA 1) To Be Announced 2) Contingency Plan RIID Radiation Isotope Identifier Device What does REHAB mean as an abbreviation? DPA 1) Deepwater Ports Act TSPSOC Telecommunications Service Priority/System Oversight Committee 2) Army Materiel Command 2) Federal Preparedness Circular FIPNC Flood Insurance Producers National Committee 4) Associated Press OFF Offshore Forecast 2) Computer-Aided Manufacturing 2) Unified Command TFL Task Force Leader 2) Employment and Training Administration JHAT Joint Hazardous Assessment Team FIRST 1) Federal Incident Response Support Team BL Bill of Lading PMR 1) Patient Movement Request 2) Officer in Charge 3) Applicant Assistance 2) Duplication of Benefits SLA State and Local Assistance 612 ( 5196a) Mutual Aid Pacts Between States and Neighboring Countries GCCS Global Command and Communications System RBAC Role-Based Access Control CBDCOM Chemical and Biological Defense Command (obsolete; see SBCCOM) Find out what is the full meaning of REHAB on! IHOG Interagency Helicopter Operation Guide DO 1) Digital Orthophoto ATWC Alaska Tsunami Warning Center (obsolete; see WCATWC) DPOD Disaster Personnel Operations Division HHMD Hand-Held Metal Detector CRTF Commander, Response Task Force EMPTY QUIVER Theft, seizure, or loss of a nuclear weapon or component TEAM-CPR Thermal, Etiological, Asphyxiation, Mechanical, Chemical, Psychological, and Radioactive UN United Nations (foreign, affiliated with EPR, OIA) 2) General Population Limit PNV Present Net Value PPFRP Prepared and Perishable Food Rescue Program APSO Asylum Pre-Screening Officer EMD 1) Electronic Monitoring Device 2) Federal Operations Support WCO World Customs Organization GDS Geographic Display System CZMA Coastal Zone Management Act A comprehensive recovery acronym list full of treatment acronyms and rehab acronyms to help understand the language of addiction professionals. TLC Territory Logistics Centers TDFM Traffic Demand Forecast Model PACOM U.S. Pacific Command USOC United States Olympic Committee ASL 1) Above Sea Level TCP 1) Traffic Control Point ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency Network 2) Design Basis Accident SRFX Service Response Force Exercise CRAF Civil Reserve Air Fleet PIA Privacy Impact Assessment RTI Regional Technology Integration VTC Video Tele-Conference STU-III Secure Telephone Unit - Third Generation 2) National Teleregistration Center ASST Assistant F-codes Charge codes for FEMA incidents 3) Organization of American States UO2F2 Uranyl Fluoride AFRAS Association For Rescue At Sea MFAS Marriage Fraud Amendment System UHF Ultra High Frequency NTF-NCR Joint Task Force - National Capital Region WFSA Wildland Fire Situation Analysis CNC 1) Central Network Control EDIS Emergency Disaster Information System Click to reveal DOS 1) Department of State SAFE TEA Safer, Accountable, Flexible Transportation Efficiency Act (affiliated with USCG) EP Electric Power NASCDD National Association of State Civil Defense Directors OAR 1) Office of Air and Radiation 2) Congressional Affairs Representative AMPS Automated Message Processing System DG/CS Dangerous Goods/Cargo Security SCEC Southern California Earthquake Center ASTS Aeromedical Staging Squadron OPCON Operational Control ATMWU Air Transportable Mobile Weather Unit 3) Extraordinary Circumstances AFEM Alliance for Fire and Emergency Management PACC Patient Airlift Control Center ISEMA Indiana State Emergency Management Agency PNOV Preliminary Notice of Violation 2) Lump Sum CB 1) Chemical Biological RMRIWFCG Rocky Mountain Regional Interagency Wildland Fire Communications Group FLRA Federal Labor Relations Authority RLTG Repetitive Loss Target Group 2) Disaster Communications Equipment ADIS Arrival and Departure Information System UNDRO United Nations Disaster Relief Organization RMM River Mile Marker CPE Contingency Planning Exchange PPE 1) Pay Period Ending 3) Nebraska Avenue Center/Complex TH 1) Temporary Housing SF 1) Special Facility EENET Emergency Education Network (at NETC) BSI 1) Base Support Installation Light Metal Buildings . HOH Head Of Household FHAR Flood Hazard Analyses Report SIMCELL Simulation Cell CPTED Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design VISTA Volunteers In Service To America 2) Government Transportation Request NAPA National Academy of Public Administration UOC USACE Operations Center FSR Financial Status Report TTWS Terrorist Threat Warning System (DHS program, affiliated with HSOC) NOTAM Notice To Airmen OPSEC Operations/Operational Security and strategy and tactics for init ETIS Emergency Traffic Information System IARLJ International Association of Refugee Law Judges TNC Terminal Node Controller RMTN Regional Meteorological Telecommunications Network CDR 1) Christian Disaster Response 3) Intensive Care Unit AEMA Alabama Emergency Management Agency QC Quality Control 2) Oil Pollution Act AECC 1) Aeromedical Evacuation Coordination (or Control) Center IAG Interagency Advisory Group Phase Vocorder Analysis data. JFO Joint Field Office UMOC Unified Medical Operations Center OFSEP Office of Food Security and Emergency Preparedness ADGGS Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys LID Low-Impact Development Aspire Health Partners is Florida's largest Behavioral Health Non-Profit that provides a full continuum of behavioral healthcare services across six (6) Central Florida Counties; Brevard, Hillsborough, Lake, Orange, Osceola and Seminole. HAI Human Affairs International AOV Agency Owned Vehicle RAMOS Remote Automated Meteorological Observing System IRBM Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile DSO 1) Director of Site Operations AFOSC Air Force Operations Support Center ACS 1) Adventist Community Services MSL Mean Sea Level 2) hydrogen fluoride STATEX Statutory Exclusion CDRS Call Detail Reporting System Each zone reflects the severity or type of potential flooding in the area. AIR Applied Insurance Research EMPO Emergency Medical Preparedness Office DMRS Data Management and Retrieval System WEE Western Equine Encephalitis 2) Patient Reporting Activity 419 ( 5186) Emergency Public Transportation GIS Geographic Information System(s) RIA Requiring Immediate Action SON Statement of Need 2) Regional Field Office LRIP Low Rate Initial Production 2) All-Hazards Situation Assessment Prototype EROS Earth Resources Observing Satellite IEMIS Integrated Emergency Management Information System NDMSOSC National Disaster Medical System Operations Support Center NEO 1) Near-Earth Orbit SCS Soil and Conservation Service BRT Business Round Table POTS Plain Old Telephone Service 2) Iodine Exposure Intensity 2) Intense Hurricane FIT 1) Failed Income Test CBRN Chemical, Biological, Radiological or Nuclear NCPC 1) National Capitol Planning Commission 2) Integrated Process Evaluation ERS 1) Emergency Relocation Site AFRAT Air Force Radiation Assessment Team AT Antiterrorism NPMOC Naval Pacific Meteorology and Oceanography Center HWC Health and Welfare Canada MEAP Mobile Environmental Analytical Platform 406 ( 5172) Repair, Restoration, and Replacement of Damaged Facilities 401 ( 5170) Procedure for Declaration 3) Crisis Management Coordinator 2) Alien Criminal Apprehension Program GMF Government Master File DMAT Disaster Medical Assistance Team ft/min feet per minute CJIS Criminal Justice Information System FHML Federal Hazardous Material Law FEDD Flood Elevation Determination Docket 2) Environmental Specialist DISCO Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office(r) 2) Non-Disclosure Agreement 302 ( 5143) Coordinating Officers FCO Federal Coordinating Officer PDM Pre-Disaster Mitigation (including Grant Program) MSLO Military Support Liaison Officer ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization MDF Medical, Dental, and Funeral 2) Categorical Exclusion CEB Contractor Evaluation Board BTS 1) Budget Tracking System 2) Flood Mitigation Assistance Program AMIO Alien Migrant Interdiction Operations FEMA - Definition by AcronymFinder What does FEMA stand for? DEP 1) Department of Environmental Protection LIMFAC Limiting Factor FCT Forward Coordinating Team AFNSEP Air Force National Security Emergency Preparedness FWS (U.S.) Fish and Wildlife Service APP Application or Applicant H&H 1) Hydraulics and Hydrology VCU VOLAG Coordination Unit ITI International to International DOH Department of Health GFI Government-Furnished Information ALPA Airline Pilots Association NTE Not To Exceed IEMA Illinois Emergency Management Agency NSRS National Spatial Reference System 2) Prescription (medical) 2) End-of-File FAX Facsimile SGTS Standard Gas Treatment System 2) Alternate Power R Roentgen CDCP Center for Disease Control and Prevention FEC Facility Emergency Coordinator SD Security Directive ESF 15 External Affairs 2) Homeland Security DTO Drug Trafficking Organization LFFE Lowest Finished Flood Elevation 2) Computer Emergency Readiness Team ART Awards Review Team PPBES Planning, Programming and Budgeting Execution System EAP 1) Emergency Action Plan CALM Cognitive and Affective Learning Model 2) Disaster Recovery 421 ( 5188) Timber Sale Contracts FMH Federal Meteorological Handbook SAP 1) Special Access Program NAC/AEGL National Advisory Committee on Acute Exposure Guidelines Levels (for Chemical Substances) RICCS Regional Incident Communication and Coordination System XPA Extent of Play Agreement ICC 1) Incident Command Center PSIA Pounds per Square Inch Absolute E 911 Enhanced 9-1-1 ARES Amateur Radio Emergency Services For more information and training on nationwide recognized acronyms and terms go to the National Response Framework website. LOC-TFCS Letter of Credit - Treasury Financial Communications System NMRI Naval Medical Research Institute OGE Office of Government Ethics SNS Strategic National Stockpile CBI 1) Chandler Burning Index V-Zone Coastal High Hazard Area 2) Federal Training Coordinator 410 ( 5177) Unemployment Benefit Assistance ECS 1) Electronic Certification System 2) Operating Expenses ZFP Zone Forecast Product WRIST Weather Radar Identification of Severe Thunderstorms IH 1) Inhalation ORIA Office of Radiation and Indoor Air CENTPAC Central Pacific Rad/Nuc Radiological/Nuclear OER Office of Emergency Response 2) Public Broadcasting System CWC Chemical Weapons Convention 2) Travel Management Center ULF Ultra Low Frequency IBDS Integrated Biological Detection System CDBG Community Development Block Grant TFCC Task Force Control Center CDX Control and Direction Exercise FICEMS Federal Interagency Committee on Emergency Medical Services ET 1) End-of-Transect (Line) DT&E Development Test and Evaluation JTR Joint Travel Regulations Sort. Zeni et al., 2010: Knee OA (120 . PPI Preliminary (or Pre-) Placement Interview MCU Movement Coordination Unit ERLink Emergency Response Link 2) Immediate Needs Funding 2) Disaster Emergency Services SARSAT Search and Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking SSN Social Security Number IDIQ Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity BDC Bomb Data Center (FBI) WESTPAC Western Pacific P&I Protection and Indemnity JTWC Joint Typhoon Warning Center JAD Joint Application Development EPS Encapsulated PostScript MAFFS Modular Airborne Fire Fighting System 2) Critical Incident Management Support ft3/min cubic feet per minute HME Health, Medical, and Environmental FESHE Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education BROKEN ARROW Nuclear Accident (codeword) LOI 1) Letter of Intent PINS Personnel In Need of Supervision CNS 1) Central Nervous System TSCO Top Secret Control Officer DLS Disaster Legal Services NSA 1) National Security Agency GA/FBO General Aviation/Fixed-Base Operations USACMDA United States Army Chemical Material Destruction Agency DTAPPS Disposable Toxicological Agent Personal Protection System APA 1) American Planning Association NCRPM National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements 2) Noncombatant Evacuation Operation 2) Critical Review Phase ANPR Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking N/A 1) Not Affected 5) Purchase Officer mb Millibar SOMA Summary of Map Actions NMSS Nuclear Materials Safeguards and Security EDT Eastern Daylight Time (GMT - 4) 2) International Energy Agency VDU 1) Visual Display Unit UST Underground Storage Tank IRFC Initial Response Force Commander CHEMTREC Chemical Transportation Emergency Center CSDP Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program 3) Evidence Response Team MIEP Mass Immigration Emergency Plan JBPDS Joint Biological Point Detection Systems IAI International Association for Identifications NMSAC National Maritime Security Advisory Committee PRS Primary Receiving Site Rate it: REHAB: REHABilitated. ERSAC Emergency Response Senior Advisory Committee LE Law Enforcement TEMP 1) Temporary Employee VMS Virtual Memory System IPELR Independent Power/Motorized Elevating Leg Rest. PPN Passport Number 3) Association of American Railroads 2) Special Use Airspace CBD Chemical and Biological Defense VFD Volunteer Fire Department NSSFC National Severe Storms Forecast Center 2) Technical Assistance ASSET Advanced Simulation and Software Engineering Technology FPMR Federal Property Management Regulation RCAC Red Cross Assistance Center PUBLIC ASSISTANCE SENTINEL Securing the Nation through Infrastructure Enhancements Locally NARS National Archives and Records Service BTCP 1) Biological Terrorism Contingency Plan MSE MERS Support Element CBR Chemical, Biological, and/or Radiological GC General Counsel (see also OGC) 2) Fully Analytical Aerial Triangulation DTS Diplomatic Telecommunications Service AMOC Air and Marine Operations Center MACDIS Military Assistance for Civil Disturbances RPO Regional Project Officer UMP Upward Mobility Program IGPT Interagency Geospatial Preparedness Team DFAIT Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade DCWDB Direction, Control, and Warning Database SLPA Sea Level Pressure Anomaly Terms CCITP Counterterrorism Cyber-crime Investigations Training Program DMA 1) Defense Mapping Agency FEMA Publications MACGp Multi-Agency Coordination Group 3) Rural Community Assistance DERF Defense Emergency Response Fund SECARMY Secretary of the Army ADES Alaska Division of Emergency Services Border Patrol 2) Exercise Manual CPSP Comprehensive Passenger Screening Profile FICC Federal Interagency Coordination Council PEG 1) Performance Evaluation Group DASHO Designated Agency Safety and Health Official NGDC National Geophysical Data Center MNAP Mapping Needs Assessment Process MRR Measurement Residual Ratio LFE Lowest Floor Elevation POD 1) Point of Departure 2) Original Classification Authority 2) Border Safety Initiative 3) Computer Emergency Recovery Team NETAC National Environmental Technology Application Center HMMWV Highly Mobile Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle NLRA National Labor Relations Authority HHC Headquarters and Headquarters Company EIDA Executive Information and Display Area CAC 1) Citizens' Advisory Commissions HSPD Homeland Security Presidential Directive 2) National Security Directive SDA Seventh Day Adventist PSA 1) Patient Staging Area 311 ( 5154) Insurance MG-MIN/M3 Milligram Minutes per Cubic Meter. 4) Public Administration Review These positions are located at DDS/Metro Region Group Homes operated by the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services. 2) Incendiary Explosive Device 2) Emergency Preparedness Program REM Roentgen equivalent man/mammal ACADA Automatic Chemical Agent Detection and Alarm AARP American Association of Retired Persons DOE Department of Energy [ESF-12] The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is a United Nations agency tasked with helping countries eliminate poverty and achieve sustainable economic growth and human development.The UNDP emphasizes developing local capacity towards long-term self-sufficiency and prosperity.. Headquartered in New York City, it is the largest UN development aid agency, with offices in 177 countries. REO Regional Environmental Officer TIA 1) Telecommunications Industry Association 2) Integrated Deepwater System ERT 1) Emergency Response Team 3) National Response Center OUC Orlando Utilities Company DPMT Disaster Pediatric Medical Team ROM Read-Only Memory FCIP Federal Crime Insurance Program GMT Greenwich Mean Time (aka ZULU Time) 2) Deputy Public Assistance Officer CITAC Computer Intrusion Threat Assessment Center FIAB Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board CNT Counternarcoterrorism EMPS Emergency Management Program Specialist TRAC2ES TRANSCOM's Regulating and Command and Control Evacuation System 2) International Hurricane Center CAP 1) Capability Assessment Program NARP Nuclear Accident Response Plan (or Procedures) RAMP Remedial Action Management Program ISA Incident Staging Area GILS Government Information Locator Service, PCT 1) Polk County Transit (Florida) NBFAC National Bioforensic Analysis Center CASPER C-130 Airborne Sensor with Palletized Electronic Reconnaissance EER Eligible Existing Resources NPRM Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 2) Test and Evaluation Master Plan You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Medical abbreviations were made to quickly but accurately document. The list of 104 Rehab acronyms and abbreviations (December 2022): 50 Categories. 2) Low Frequency HAN Health Alert Network WG 1) Wage Grade OGAT Official Government Acceptance Test JIOC Joint Investigative Operations Center OSLTF Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund Military, Drug, . ERRS Emergency and Rapid Response Services MOB Center Mobilization Center MMPAC Merchant Marine Personnel Advisory Committee PCERT Preliminary Computer Evidence Recovery Training Ambulatory emergency care: Rate it: AESR: Arm Exoskeleton for Stroke Rehabilitation: HA Housing Assistance 2) Response & Recovery (also R&R) SAFECOM 1) Safe Community (DHS program) CEDE Committed Effective Dose Equivalent OCTEL Operations Center Telephone 2) Civil Emergency Planning (NATO) FFCD Full, Final, and Complete Disclosure 2) Bureau of Indian Affairs 3) Agency Collection Officer TBR Travel Business Roundtable BENS Business Executives for National Security 2) Airport Improvement Program CENR Committee on Environment and Natural Resources 2) Information Processing System 2) Young Lawyers Division CERES California Environmental Resources Evaluation System 2) National Infrastructure Advisory Council FTS 1) Federal Telecommunications (or Telephone) System (or Service) OTRS Official Time Reporting System lb pound JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group MHE Materiel Handling Equipment ALSM Airborne Laser Swath Mapping (aka LIDAR)

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