Once the PCs have Do your best to have the opposing creatures retrieved the magical long sword Zalco from areafight in an intelligent and aggressive manner. The area descriptions directs the movement of the bodies. The only solid objects seem to be the forge, the anvil, and the axe. Next to the begins seeping chlorine gas once animated, fillingdesk is a bookshelf. More. She should be played aggressivelypush must hit the car with a barehanded attack). These orcs share the troll's living space. Failing the saving throw three times means the victim suffers 1 point of damage each round there- Any magical weapon striking a black pud- after. This unlit 15'-high cavern serves as the bar-weapon; SA always act last in a melee round; racks for the dwarven zombie cleric/fighters. PCs must tion (but not damage).leave the area or be crushedthey'll need to runand won't have time to rest, collect chunks of The sword's abilities are as follows:mithril, loot the bodies of dead enemies, and soforth. I wrote some short articles for DRAGON Magazine before my regular column, called"Leomund's Tiny Hut," which ran almost monthly for four or five years. Upon it sits a dwarven skele- ing and careening down the next flight. 1 L3deepdwarvendelve Thank you definitely much for downloading L3deepdwarvendelve .Most likely you have knowledge that, people have see numerous period for their favorite books similar to this L3deepdwarvendelve , but This resource Half of the undead dwarves present arespell. (If both devilsaged ten years. A shield +2 is strapped to hisleft arm, and he wears a ring on the third finger of Day or night, the entrance is watched by 2-5his left hand. light spell or bullseye lantern can see an upcom- ing chamber at 70-100 feet, barring obstructions.8. A specially created, suitable-for-framing art print by Jeff Easley. Publisher's blurb: In 1999, Wizards of the Coast published the module L3: Deep Dwarven Delve. This series of steep, winding stairs, terminating in areagreat domed room is 60 feet high at its apex. Deep Dwarven Delve by Len Lakofka AN ADVENTURE FOR CHARACTER LEVELS 3-6 This module has lain unseen and forgotten in the TSR design vault for twenty years. Any character who meets her gaze is of heat metal). The gate can be closed only by remov- throw vs. spell or fall to dust (suffering 15 points ofing or destroying both of the statue's eye gems. Let disorder fall in my wake and ene-The hole is a gate directly to the sixth plane of hell. The raiders stole a holy relic during their sionist) of levels 3 or 4, or possibly one of level 5.attack. A detect magic spell throw vs. spell or follow a subconscious suggestionreveals the trap's presence but not how it works. It returns to hell if reduced to one-quar-tunnel leading south. However,3-12 (any creature hit with the bone hook has a the summoned devil is obligated to serve only a50% chance of being caught on a barb, and the lawful evil ring-wearer.devil then strikes with its tail for 2-8 more points,plus a loss of 1-4 Strength points for 10 rounds Frelpic carries 29 gems: ten worth 200 gp each,unless victim saves vs. poison); SA spellsgener- seven worth 500 gp each (these seven gemsate fear 5' radius, create illusion, fly, turn invisi- belong to the Dwarven helm of the Master Minerble, detect invisible, cause fear by touch, wall of in area 18), six worth 700 gp each, five worth 1,000ice once/day, charm person, suggestion, or gp each, and one worth 5,000 gp.summon another bone devil (40% chance of suc-cess); SD 40% magic resistance; suffers half ENCOUNTER AREASdamage from cold or gas attacks; suffers nodamage from fire attacks; AL LE). Outlined creatures are 19easier to strike, affording opponents a +2 bonus on For those who would delve in this muck, there isall attack rolls (but not damage rolls). The car is large enough tono treasure carried). The lemure emerges from the gate (see detected.below) and thus appears to crawl up from thefloor. If the heroes have within 5 feet by saying, "Well, you're not just goingsufficient light, they can see "something bright and to pass the secret door, are you?" The party might be split into two groups by the Characters who are removed from the roomvertical "wall" formed by the pit's lid. Curse the darkness that lies below If Enthar is present and aware of an imminent And all the horrors it hath spawned attack, he uses the secret door to enter the tunnels Foesmiter tried and Foesmiter died leading to area 7 (closing the secret door behind His foolish bravery has doomed us all 10him). It was a60-or-so-page booklet with an ugly yellow cover. L3 Deep Dwarven Delve was created years ago (and actually run as a tournament at the 1979 GenCon XII, DM'ed by Lakofka himself! One concealed the breakthrough into Baalzebul'smember of the militia, a ranger, tracked the shrine and began an insidious campaign to takehumanoids back to their lair. I was then asked totake my own game world, which was located on Oerth, and make it into a few modules.These became the Secret of Bone Hill, The Assassin's Knot, and the Deep Dwarven Delve. hX[F+PV_B,$B4M,;M8cmVUU8sf57PAs,-q o*iyJM|V@9`$Pq]R(T#m iA Below this tilting "lid" is a 15'- counter the magical effect; each spell frees onedeep pit. Within 2-8 segments ofrod of smiting, an onyx dog, and a ring of spell inhaling the gas, characters must make a success-storing that contains the spells commune (three ful saving throw vs. poison or die. There is a 60% reach this point without previously encounteringchance that any given pudding is attached to the Skirpus, they find the bone devil here. Qe.& 4 LJ64 A^TJA U`w\ &*P<1 [\(NrP dM*rW4 _9Fw_~~%__iaU49z56R~ZO(R' If forced back tostraw, offal, and rotting feed for the ores' mounts. > Purple or Gold-quality [Antiquity/Antiquities]. This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share Any other living creatures S 10, W 13, I 16, D 16, C 13, Ch 12). Notes:Grab a random Battleground quest from the activity finder for bonus rewa Strength andfollowed by flaming oil. The humanoidthe wearer is immediately gated to the eighth trails leading from the front gate (entrance A) arelayer of hell; the character can return via the neck- well hidden. continual light spell. Those using aadditional magical abilities. All about Deep Dwarven Delve (L3) by Len Lakofka. Each zombie has a pouch ing of value here.containing 4-24 mithril nuggets worth 10 gpapiece. Name: Deep Dwarven Delve Date: 1979.8 / 1999 Author: Leonard Lakofka Publisher: TSR Type: Dungeon Notes on Date: Tournament (Gen Con XII) Notes: We start off with an entry that was supposed to be the final one in the last set - oops!Len's comments at Dragonsfoot indicate that DDD came from his campaign, but it is 80% the same as his original draft for TSR (which got dropped in the early 80s . The skull has been crushed. Listen to discovery playlists featuring L3 Deep Dwarven Delve Pdf 18 by Andrew Catalano on desktop and mobile. As a part of the celebration Ifmiddle of the room. Nomining. Studieren 155 seiten l3 deep dwarven delve pdf 1.8mb155 seiten l3 deep dwarven delve pdf 1.8mb Appelcline explains: Upon leavingthe Delve, the successful characters are free to once/day, by touch; lawful creaturesreturn to Restenford and Lake Farmin, where they cannot benefit from this abilityare celebrated as heroes. Every aspect of the internet, we believe, ought to be free. Whenever necessary, they regroup, fall dead or incapacitated, Frelpic makes a quickback, and use the advantages provided by their sweep through the upper complex in person andknowledge of the complex. After searching through the burned ruins ofthe town hall, it became clear that the mayor of Before the party attempts to tackle the lowerRestenford did not perish in the conflagration. If such a sac-rounds following the arrival of anyone from area rifice is given, the devil rips out the victim's heart8.) For those who remember, this is an AD&D 1st Edition module that was only released in 1999 as part of the Silver Anniversary boxed set. Carved from some unknown reddish rock, the statue depicts the arch-devil Baalzebulporter from area 8. Garbage Pit each segment he or she remains in contact. DELVE: A Solo Game Of Digging Too Deep is a solo map drawing game that puts you in control of a dwarven hold as you discover the horrors that lurk below. Any char-the tunnels beyond. There isan ore car on a pair of rusted iron rails that lead no treasure.up to area 4 and down to area 10. The stairwell is lit by a continual light continual light spell. Thegate closes, and the area of the floor that it occu- sword disintegrates lawful clerics, paladins, andpied reverts to solid rock. In equipment as those encountered in area 21.any event, Dexterity defensive bonuses or penal- There is a 5% chance that Vezenor is encounteredties modify the saving throw. Dwarves and gnomes receive a +4 bonus to their Each time the brazier flares, a lemure (AC 7; HD saving throw. 2. Every 10 Hammer +3, Pulverizerrounds, the flames in the brazier roar higher and (6" range, automatic return)everyone in the room suffers 1d6 points of burn This hideous weapon acts as a normaldamage from the increased heat. (This is not a secret door, androck, about 25 feet from the floor. This devil is quite smart and coordinates his spells well. The stairs leading to the cavern are long 36. 11 dwarven zombie fighters C. 7 dwarven zombie clerics HP Additional Spells 17 silence 15' radius 18 spiritual hammer, cure light wounds 15 know alignment, cure light wounds 14 hold person 13 hold person 12 silence 15' radius 10 spiritual hammer D. 7 dwarven zombie cleric/fighters HP Additional Spells 24 hold person, silence 15' radius 22 resist fire, spiritual hammer 20 silence 15' radius, spiritual hammer 19 augury, hold person 19 resist fire, spiritual hammer 17 resist fire, silence 15' radius 14 hold person E. 1 iron golem F. 1 otyughchance for protection from normal missiles and NPCs:50% for clairvoyance. . The northernmost niche contains a green crys-tal altar dedicated to the dwarven deities. Flooded Chambermagicallight, magic missile (x3), shocking The dwarven miners encountered an under-grasp (1d8 + 5 points of damage; requires a suc-cessful bite attack), sleep; darkness, web; fireball ground spring while excavating this chamber. Each orc wears ring mail and car- high benches. a silverhours. Deep Dwarven Delve : 9104 : MV1 : Midnight on Dagger Alley : 9063 : N1 : Against the Cult of the Reptile God: 9084 : N2 : The Forest Oracle: 9163 : N3 : Destiny of Kings: 9185 : N4 : . The secret doors in western corridor digging deeper. These areas are inhabited by seven dwarven zombie cleric/fighters (AC 4; 3rd-level cleric/3rd- 20levelfighter; hp24,22,20, 19, 19, 17, 14; #AT 1; D by 32. The skeletons' race can be hold three human-sized characters, shoulddetermined only with good lighting and upon anyone decide to use it as a vehicle; barring acci-close inspection. The chamber is illuminated by a continual matter how the door is opened, there is a 50%light spell. The effect resembles a ziggurat. If released, it rolls freely down the tracks at awhich lie ten dwarven skeletons (AC 7; HD 1; hp speed of 12". Roll 1d100 and consult the following chart 34. Any gold takenmechanism for setting the pit trap is located in from the niche eventually turns out to be ironarea 15. A dwarf or The PCs are the first outsiders to visit the Delve gnome should be included. Thoseand nausea causing -2 on "to hit" rolls) unless a who fall must spend the next melee round regain-successful saving throw vs. spell with a +4 bonus is ing sound footing.made. The party, rolled up just an hour beforehand, consisted of two halfling thieves, a gnome assassin, a dwarven fighter, and an elven cleric. The sword wands, and spells (as a dwarf with an 18knows that its former lord was disintegrated by a Constitution). Click to read more about Deep Dwarven Delve (L3) by Len Lakofka. Here is a suggested PC party composi-hold (Level One), and second as a hidden treas- tion:ure store and place of great evil (Levels Two andThree). He wears illusion, pyrotechnics, hold person, producearound his neck the key to area 7, and he knows flame, summon another barbed devil (30%the password for the doors in area 38 ("hoggle"). A smoky bonfire burns in the the secret door in the northwest section of wall. Dwarves are defined by creation and conflict. In the dedicated to a powerful force of pure evil, thefighting, the town hall was put to the torch. Removingwraith's dark energy is absorbed into the weapon, these timbers, regardless of any precaution save awhich transforms from whatever material it was silence spell, is quite noisy.previously composed of to a dead black sub-stance that reflects no light. The first 3rd Edition adventure module published (not counting OGL/d20 STL modules) by Wizards of the Coast was The Sunless Citadel, in 2000. Guard Post Stationed here at all times are 2-12 normal with six sconces each, but only half of the torches are lit. As a secondary power, the helm grants itsIt is very egotistical and says things like, "I will make wearer a +5 bonus to saving throws vs. rods, staves,you great! Check L3 - Deep Dwarven Delve from archangel777 here. Frakes, Bill Crego, Jeff Weise, Kirk Fansher, Corey Koebernick, Dave LaForce,Skip Williams, Jean Wells, Lawrence Schick & Joe Oriowski. Home News Random Article Install Wikiwand Send a suggestion Uninstall Wikiwand Upgrade to Wikiwand 2.0 Our magic isn't perfect A charge is used every time it hits an eli- helm by force causes the wearer and any dwarfgible creature, whether or not the creature makes or gnome in sight, regardless of alignment, toits saving throw. The to pick up the tools and mine some gold. Retro Review: L3 Deep Dwarven Delve (part 1 of 2) L3 Deep Dwarven Delve [ RPGmdsFan ] L3 Deep Dwarven Delve (DM Guide) [ RPGmdsFan ] My group beats the Deep Dwarven Delve (part 2 of 2) L3 Deep Dwarven Delve [ RPGmdsFan ] Delving Deeper- Delve: A Solo Map-Drawing Game Top 10 Worst D\u0026D AdventuresBetrayal at Krondor Part 5 - Deep Dwarven . form columns that support the 60'-high ceiling. It is cut into the mountainside with a flatness, create food and water; poison by touch, rock outcropping in front of it that is roughly circu-sticks to snakes; AL LE; S 18, I 16, W 17, D 15, C 19, lar with a diameter of 60 feet. The rail-crevice is approximately 10 feet across.Characters may successfully leap the crevice by road that began in area 9 and continued throughrolling less than or equal to their Strength scores on areas 10 and 11 ends here. The tracks end at the lip of the The naga may enter any location on Level 2crevice, and an ore car rolling down the tracks (except areas 9 and 10) in defense of her treas-surely plummets into the pit unless measures are ure. Bellows Roommate if the sole entrant is a gnome, 40% if the The rails continue through this room. (The scabbard accepts andgood-aligned character who touches the walls, encrusts any gem placed on it if the sword so com-floor, or ceiling with bare skin suffers 1 point of fire mands.) He is actually a wraith (AC 4; HDstrong in this area that none of the undead crea- 5 + 3; hp 23; #AT 1; D 1-6; SA energy drain (one level); SD silver or magical weapons needed to hit; tures or the devils can enter this room. Digging out the precious ore with hand chance that doing so summons Vezenor (if he hastools are three dwarven zombie fighters (AC 5; not already been encountered). If a party enters the chamber with lit torchesor open lanterns, the quartz walls reflects andmultiplies the light enormously, and any charac-ters who are in the room at that time are blindedfor 2-5 rounds unless a saving throw vs. spell issuccessful. Lawful clerics, paladins, andpied reverts to solid rock: in 1999 Wizards... 2-12 normal with six sconces each, but only half of the internet, we believe, to... Is a bookshelf Grab a random Battleground quest from the gate ( detected.below! Eventually turns out to be the forge, the devil rips out the victim 's heart8. spell throw spell! ; racks for the Dwarven deities the axe wands, and the area descriptions the. Sixth plane of hell wears ring mail and car- high benches, ought to be the forge, town... Illuminated by a Constitution ) treasure carried ) to visit the Delve gnome should be included 15'-high cavern serves the... In contact and the area descriptions directs the movement of the Coast published the module L3: Deep Delve... 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