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blackrock and vanguard conspiracy

blackrock and vanguard conspiracy

Escrito por em 22/03/2023
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blackrock and vanguard conspiracy

China just got caught working with Fauci to create this same bioweapon called Covid-19 that theyre currently using to control the world so, yea I bet you want to forget about their role in this as well as how Biden is in bed with China and that thats why the FBI and the media covered up Hunters laptop until after the election. Rule 2 does apply throughout the rest of this thread. Howd that turn out for you, Bub? This doesn't seem like a problem to you? At least theyre doing a great job this time, right? America first. Correctional Center) who normally have overnight shift that watches over suicide risk inmates, were both told to leave area 3 hours earlier for scheduled "Maintenance" to jail cells and hallways. Emergents response was to hire an army of lobbyists, and within six months and $140,000 in lobbying fees won BioPort a $122.7 million contract to supply 5 million doses of the vaccine to the Department of Health and Human Services, and created a domestic stockpile of their vaccine. The Anglo-American power structure. Reports from Oxfam and Bloomberg say that 1% of the world, together owns more money than the other 99%. The conspiracies are obviously mad and sort of fun, but the interesting thing is that BlackRock feels the need to respond. Since the mid-1970s, two corporations Vanguard and Blackrock have gobbled up most companies in the world, effectively destroying the competitive market on which America's strength has rested, leaving only false appearances behind. Yes and who are the majority shareholders? But Wellingtons fees have always been low and are now only 0.17 per cent, according to Morningstar, among the lowest for any actively managed fund. BlackRock. He calls it Build Back Better. These are the same names that came up in the food industry; the same investors are in the top three. Did you know you can buy 1000 reddit upvotes for $400? To support this tool, post it on your profile and select 'pin to profile'. Schwab says in his book that we will never return to the old normal and the WEF published a video recently to make clear that by 2030, we will own nothing but we will be happy. These companies launched and participated in the current worldwide economic crisis and managed to become even more enriched. Not just George Bush Senior, Bill Clinton and Nelson Mandela but also world-famous philanthropists, like Cecil Rhodes, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and even George Soros. But Bertelsmann is also co-owner of the worlds biggest book publisher, Penguin Random House. MB. In addition to The New York Times, Vanguard and BlackRock are also the top two owners of Time Warner, Comcast . We must not think lightly about this and do thorough research. By September 2003, the Pentagon was paying $22 a dose.more than double the price negotiated in the original 1999 bailout. His Microsoft is owned by Vanguard, BlackRock and Berkshire Hathaway. Supposedly, PepsiCo is Coca Cola's competitor, Apple and Android vie for your loyalty and drug companies battle for your health care . This gives them a complete monopoly. We collect the best content from fellow conservative sites that give us permission to republish them. I have to mention the fact that both Fuad El-Hibri and Jerome Hauer of BioPort/Emergent BioSolutions were both suspected of being behind the Anthrax mailing scare of 2011 that sickened 17 and killed 5. Here are the highlights, but you can read a more in-depth look from the original article here: BioPort (Emergents) contract with the Pentagon provided for $45.1 million, including $16 million in immediate cash for plant renovations. Those are owned by even bigger investors. This is not fear-mongering but its a harsh reality. Bill Clinton would go on tocontinue the program and it was passed as a soft law that didnt go through Congress like it should have (because it would honestly have never passed and people would have started grabbing pitchforks and torches if they knew what it was really about.). Shubham Saharan. If you decide to research this with the sources I just showed you, then you will see that most popular insurance companies, banks, construction companies, telephone companies restaurant chains and cosmetics are owned by the same institutional investors we have just seen. I know your time is valuable, so I summarize the most important data. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #blackrockchronicles, #blackrockshooterfragment, #blackrockcottage, #conspiracygang, #conspiracy, # . Bitcoin: 3A1ELVhGgrwrypwTJhPwnaTVGmuqyQrMB8. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Notice how the geopolitical goals of freemasonry, Zionism, and Israel align exactly. How people havent pieced this together is beyond me. Vanguard. Who is that person? Many BlackRock employees were in the White House with Bush and Obama. Advertising: Gather personally identifiable information such as name and location, Functionality: Remember social media settingsl Functionality: Remember selected region and country, Advertising: Use information for tailored advertising with third parties, Advertising: Allow you to connect to social sites, Advertising: Identify device you are using, Advertising: Allow you to connect to social sitesl Advertising: Identify device you are using. Every year in Davos, the CEOs of big corporations meet national leaders, politicians and other influential parties, like UNICEF and Greenpeace. Stop being obtuse. With Vanguard's acquisition, the industry leader in index funds is choosing to buy rather than build in the space. If The Vanguard Group does make a profit, this money is returned to investors as dividends. We recommend THREE options. thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. BlackRock/Vanguard are currently the top two owners of Time Warner, Comcast, Disney (FOX), and News Corp, which are four of the six media companies that control more than 90% of the U.S. media landscape. I just wish there were more who would make the bold move. If we add Microsoft, we see four companies making the software for nearly all computers, tablets and smartphones in the world. Integrity first. What if I told you that despite the year-long narrative by the media on how these are unprecedented times with all this endless disease fear mongering, all this pushing experimental vaccines, and scaring the hell out of the public only to control them all happened 20 years ago? And BlackRock is buying up houses like crazy. Fauci himself later admitted Anthrax isnt that viable or effective as a terrorist weapon when compared to bombs or anything else, really. 2021-09-06 22:32:50 "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." - Abraham Lincoln. A Bloomberg report states that the two companies by 2028 together will have investments in the amount of 20 trillion dollars. To clarify the picture, I have to explain briefly what non-profits actually are. He also owned the American textbook company Macmillan/McGraw-Hill. We can choose daily between all sorts of documentaries and TV programs but none of them cover this subject. As a conservative activist I gave up on the GOP months ago for their gutlessness and their refusal to stand by the American people that (supposedly) elected them. Yes, theyre lucrative, but I dont like getting paid by minions of Satan (I dont like Google very much if you couldnt tell). If that means were going to struggle for a while or even indefinitely, so be it. Those are owned by even bigger investors. Wikipedia says that the annual fee for members is 35,000 euros but over half of our budget comes from partners who pay the cost for politicians who otherwise could not afford membership.. There is no majority shareholder of either company. Is now a good time to mention that Jerome Hauer whos suspected of having a hand in both the 9/11 and subsequent anthrax terrorist scare is also the Senior Advisor to Teneo. The best way you can help us grow and continue to bring proper news and opinions to the people is by donating. Especially when both PCR and antibody tests are known to frequently give false positives? This video does an incredible job of explaining how it is all being done. The role of Mi6 in Epstein saga has been ignored. Not only does BlackRock/Vanguard own large stocks of nearly all the major companies in the world, but also the stocks of the investors in those companies. The Great Reset you might have heard mentioned before isnt just a conspiracy theory, its an actual thing where the ultra-powerful elites of the world got together and decided how the rest of us should live. Because of Faucis not-so-good recommendation, Cipro in return was able to price gouge their drug which Im sure had nothing to do with his decision. The big companies are on the stock market and have the big shareholders in the board of directors. The central belief in the book is an Anglo-American banking elite rule the world: Thats right, the same people profiting off the pandemic by buying up everyones homes and watching their mega-corporations out compete all the local and small businesses are also the exact same people selling this dangerous cure that doesnt work, again. In other words, these two investment companies, Vanguard and BlackRock hold a monopoly in all industries in the world and they, in turn are owned by the richest families in the world, some of whom are royalty and who have been very rich since before the Industrial Revolution. BlackRock is an American multinational investment management corporation. These companies control U.S. monetary policy (and world) without any control or "democratic" choice. According the movements own website: The Great Reset is a creative industry movement to embed the positive environmental shifts that have happened during lockdown as THE new normal.. It appears milder but much more contagious and evades natural immunity. The biggest shareholder is Vanguard. 1 wasn't qualified to help run an oil company. Founded by Walter L. Morgan on December 27, 1928, Wellington Fund has followed the same balanced approach to investing ever since it began operations in mid-1929. Emergent would later go on to buy this new vaccine for themselves after paying lobbyists to trash it. Hestated he knew lockdowns didnt work and asymptomatic people werent contagious, but he forced people to shutter their businesses, miss weddings and funerals, and destroyed the countrys economy over nothing anyway. The Many Dangers Of Pesticides & Herbicides: A Database and List of Links. All told, their platforms juggle $14 trillion - the equivalent of 5 percent of all financials assets worldwide. The other big companies that own a myriad of brand names, like Unilever, Mondelez and Nestl are from the same small group of investors. This company owns RTL, that owns 45 television stations and 32 radio stations in 11 countries. On sources like Yahoo Finance, we can see detailed company info, such as who the biggest shareholders actually are. Isnt it funny how the same people are involved with everything sinister and dirty in the world? Its an institution thats been around since the 1970s, but only came to fruition when Bush Sr. signed onto it at the 1992 Earth Summit. We owe YOU the truth. Back to Teneo. We dont have Facebook or Twitter buttons on our stories. vanguard, blackrock conspiracythe hardy family acrobats 26th February 2023 . "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." With BlackRock on the fund's side . The Pentagon ultimately had paid BioPort $126 million for an anthrax vaccine that was stored and unlicensed. The assets left in their care are worth a staggering 6.3 trillion US dollars - a figure with 12 zeroes. The UN agrees with Schwab that a pandemic is a golden chance to accelerate the implementation of Agenda 2030. The reason monopolies are dangerous is because it kills capitalism by blocking competition. That is the reason that worldwide media shows synchronicity in their reporting. Please help keep NOQ Report and the other sites in the network going. We used to win with truth, but the radical left and their agents in mainstream media, Big Tech, and academia are building a post-truth society to drown out reality. Want to know who the major stock holders are of the only other two companies, Moderna and Pfizer, making covid vaccines in America are? The deal required the government to pay for the vaccine even if the drugs werent licensed for use, nine months later BioPort was still struggling to get FDA approval. Please share with friends so they can wake up. The only thing thats going to save the world economy at this point is to hold these mega-companies responsible for the global coup theyre attempting to pull off. Its CEO, Larry Fink can count on a warm welcome from leaders and politicians. Many of which are in the hands of the same investors and of governments, as is the case with Air France, KLM. Our network is currently comprised of nine sites: Some of our content is spread across all of these sites. Vanguard wasnt founded until the 70s so your timeline is shot. 01 Mar 2023 14:43:32 It is worrisome that the WEF and the UN openly admit that pandemics and other catastrophes can be used to reshape society. Vanguard is not a person. soloman brothers behind the bond flash crash in 87, 2008, something to do with TT takedown in 2011. this is mind boggeling Haha would love to hear your thought process on this oneworked for the company for years and can explain the naming scheme how it is foreal. While Biden shuts off the pipline in America, is it possible we've all been paying higher prices at the pump, not because limited supplies are being shipped overseas to us, but because Vanguard just wrote off $500 million in debt? According to Wikipedia, for this reason, the Telegraaf, the Leysen newspaper was temporarily forbidden in the Netherlands after the war. They want the revolutions in every country so the the WEF can put in a new government. Would you like to know who the major stock holder for Emergent Biosolutions and all this corrupt b.s. Imagine thinking climate change is more important than individuals losing everything theyve ever worked for, because clearly the real problem with pollution couldnt possibly be all these foreign factories belching out toxins into the air and plastic into our oceans while using slave labor and children to make a profit. knowingly giving hemophiliacs HIV in the 80s? Their holdings are colossal. The same big investors show up in every aspect of our trip and their power is even bigger, because of the kerosene is from their oil companies or refineries. In his personal portfolio, Jack held shares of actively managed funds, including Vanguards Wellington fund, founded by his mentor and former boss, Walter L. Morgan. We owe YOU the facts that others wont reveal about topics that others wont tackle. Anything brings us closer to a point of stability when we can hire writers, editors, and support staff to make the America First message louder. They depend on big checks from Google ads to keep the sites running. This means that Vanguard is owned by the richest families in the world. Please take the time to read ourofficial responseand help us spread the word and put pressure on them until they buckle:, Also, since Ive been kicked off Twitter and censored on Facebook for posting proof of voter fraud, you can follow me either through my telegram uncensored on GAB which you can bookmark through the DuckDuckGo app for easy access at @AmericanAFMindy. Blackrock alone has a 10 billion a year surplus. June 17, 2021. Nope. Suddenly Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street not only have the assets but the power of ESG mandates, which make them a growing threat to shareholder democracy, critics say A handful of super-charged fund managers control $34 trillion of assets and most of the ESG inflows, giving them 'carte blanche' to shape corporate policies. BlackRock manages nearly $10 trillion in investments. Not only do they own a large part of the stocks of nearly all big companies but also the stocks of the investors in those companies. There will be enough time to dive into the past, but now lets talk about today but my goal is to inform you about the danger we are in now. Those are huge investment companies that determine the course of money flow. Since BioThrax was the companys only financially successful product, it would become obsolete if VaxGen succeeded in making a better one. They are basically the quintessential example for that quote about who you're not allowed to criticize. For 3 years BioPort/Emergent struggled to get licensing for its plant and product. BlackRock manages $4.7 trillion (4.2 trillion euros) worth of assets. The Gates Foundation works closely with the biggest pharma companies, among which are Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Biontech and Bayer. It is almost identical to the Great Reset of Klaus Schwab. Apart from the many newspapers and magazines, they also own Sanoma, the parent company of some of the big commercial Dutch channels. This bot only operates in authorized subreddits. Funny how the exact same people pushing socialism on the rest of us have no problem hoarding everything they own for themselves, while buying up everything they just took from us. Let us know what you think email Alex Steger at We need to start the next topic with a question. The firm, BlackRock Inc., the world's largest asset manager, invests a staggering $9 trillion in client funds worldwide, a sum more than double the annual GDP of the Federal Republic of Germany. Let me now introduce you to the wonderful individuals currently making most of the covid vaccines in America: Meet Fuad El-Hibri, a German citizen of Lebanese decent. BlackRock is the second largest shareholder of Microsoft at the time of publication ( here) but Microsoft is not property of Bill Gates. Its easy for people to point fingers when were not the ones paying their bills or supporting their families. The military industrial complex and the mega asset companies that own them make unbelievable money off unending wars and the deaths of American soldiers, and their lobbyists make damn sure the right political people and the government alphabet agencies are in their pocket to keep that war machine grinding for profit unimpeded. If Biden is the most popular president of all time than why doesnt it look or feel like it at all? And most western central banks. This is done through the World Economic Forum, among others, a very important organization. BlackRock's mission is to help our clients build better financial futures and the firm is trusted to manage more money than any other investment company in the world. Isnt it illogical, that after 50 years of meetings between environmentalists and the CEOs of the most polluting companies, nature is gradually doing worse, not better; that those critics are right, its clear, when we look at the main partners that together make up more than half of the budget of the WEF. Joined 07 Dec '05 Moves 19738. We book through or AirBnB and when we arrive we go out for dinner and place a comment on Tripadvisor. As she says: The smaller investors are owned by larger investors. BlackRock operates globally with 70 offices in 30 countries, and clients in 100 countries. Mossad owns the US textbook industry, I think the wayfair thing might be a distraction from the maxwellhill thing, don't forget about maxwellhill. Chairman and founder of the WEF is Klaus Schwab, a Swiss professor and businessman. Watch popular content from the following creators: wokereg8(@wokereg8), Leo Raguseo(@leoraguseo), Bryan Ross(@bryanrosswins), Xoxo(@oceangefilte), marcmalone(@marcmalone) . 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blackrock and vanguard conspiracy

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